English Course & Trinity Certification
Trinity – ISE I (B1 CEFR) ISE 1TaskTask weighting Component weighting Portfolio Correspondence (70-80 words) Factual writing ( words) Creative/ descriptive writing ( words) 20 % 40 % 20 % Controlled Written examination (Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes) Task 1 Task 2 50 % 30 % Interview (Time: 8 minutes) Topic Discussion of portfolio and conversation 50 %
Correspondence (70-80 words) You are planning to spend six months travelling the world. Write an to your English friend saying which countries you intend to visit and what you will see there. Invite your friend to come with you. Correspondence (70-80 words) You are planning to spend six months travelling the world. Write an to your English friend saying which countries you intend to visit and what you will see there. Invite your friend to come with you. Portfolio – Section 1
Travel - Past Where did you go on holiday last year? How did you travel? When did you go? Where did you stay? Who did you go with? How long did you stay? What was the weather like? Did you have a good time?
Travel - Past What did you eat? What did you buy? Who did you meet? What did you do?
Where do you usually go on holiday? How do you travel? When do you go? Where do you stay? Who do you go with? How long do you stay? What is the weather like? Do you have a good time? Travel - Present
What do you usually eat on holiday? Who do you usually meet on holiday? What do you usually do? Travel - Present
Where are you going on holiday this year? How are you travelling? When are you going? Where are you staying? Who are you going with? How long are you staying? What will the weather be like? Do you think you will have a good time? Travel - Future
What are you going to eat on holiday? What are you going to buy? What are you going to do? Travel - Future
Time: 8 minutes Two assessed phases: - Discussion of topic (4 minutes) - Conversation about one subject area and discussion about portfolio (4 minutes) Interview
Subject Areas for the Conversation: - Travel - Money - Fashion - Rules and Regulations - Health and Fitness - Learning a foreign language Interview
- Festivals - Means of Transport - Special occasions, e.g. birthday celebrations - Entertainment, e.g. cinema, television, clubs - Music - Recent personal events Subject Areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written Examination: