Provision for Looked after Children at St Cuthbert’s
Our current LAC cohort At St Cuthbert’s Catholic High school, we currently have 5 Looked after Children in our care. Two in Year 7, one in Year 10 and two in year 11. Two of these are Higher Ability students – pathway 2 One of these is a Middle Ability student – pathway 3 Two of these are Lower Ability students – pathway 4
Our Current LAC Procedures Each Head of House (HoH) and the Assistant Head of House (AHoH) are the key individuals involved with the students in their respective houses. Miss Anderson is the Designated Teacher (DT) responsible for Looked After Children and Personal Education Plans. SMART targets are used to ensure that progress can be efficiently tracked. Pupil Premium Provision maps are used for each student to identify appropriate interventions to put in place Pupil Premium funding is used to create a bespoke package for each student. A “pen picture” for every LAC student will be produced and updated regularly to ensure it remains a ‘living document’. LAC’s are discussed as part of the Student Update on every Pastoral Team Meeting agenda. This is in order to ensure a cohesive approach is used in school as well as allowing for relevant information to be shared so that the best possible provision is given in school. All LAC’s can be identified by staff via ‘quicknote’. Social worker and contact details are also found here and any prohibited access arrangements. Information is updated regularly. Staff are informed of any significant events/ changes in circumstances. Targets – prior to PEP review, class teachers/ Curriculum leaders/ learning mentors submit any updates for students and are asked to contribute to target setting. Once targets have been set at PEP meeting, these are shared with class teachers and support staff. All LAC students are invited to attend a further meeting with HOH in addition to FT on IAG days.
The PEP / ePEP PEP info and supporting documentation submitted to SW/ populate ePEP DT is responsible for completion of Part 2 and 3 of the PEP’s Attached documentation and preparation for the PEP meeting: Most recent Annual Report Current Data Tracking sheet ATL data SEN/Statement review information (if applicable) IBP/PSP info (if applicable) Attendance certificate HOH/AHOH to meet with pupil prior to PEP meeting and discuss Part 1 – About me and targets (if they are not attending meeting) Whole school policies ensure that LAC’s are identified and focused upon through; pupil progress meetings in curriculum areas, Subject specific reviews, Student update in Pastoral Meetings, Mentorship programmes, SEN support and reviews and extra-curricular opportunities. HOH checks termly track for all LAC pupils to identify any academic underachievement. Discussions with subject co-ordinators, SENCO, Pastoral Head, SLT links, take place to facilitate any support/intervention and academic progress..
Pupil premium Provision map INTERVENTIONCOST DATE RECEIVED TARGET ADDRESSED (please state which target the intervention supported and the impact of PP spending) LSA support One to one tuition –Literacy One to one tuition – numeracy One to one tuition – other Behaviour intervention Social and/or emotional skills Small group tuition Homework support Technology/ICT Educational visit Mentoring Sports participation Arts participation Summer school s Aspiration intervention Additional PSHEE intervention
LAC PROCEDURES – WAYS FORWARD PEP’S to be completed termly on ePEP DA to take on Designated teacher role for LAC students and complete eEPEP’s Effective liaison with LAC virtual school All LAC students to be discussed at Curriculum Progress Dialogues Aim for all LAC students to receive one to one tuition in English and/or Maths Develop a more integrated approach to PEP’s with SEN Department Pupil premium Provision Map to be used with all LAC students over time More effective communication with staff re SMART target setting for all LAC students Focus on En/Ma progress (termly progress reports) Pen pictures to be completed for all LAC students