AGENDA Background Client Openings for Training Conducting the Needs Analysis Understanding the Key Issues Offering Alternatives Test Drives Finalizing the Training
BACKGROUND Involve groups of employees May be systemic May be short term or chronic Respond to education and information as part of the solution Clients often call with scenarios - Often scenarios suggest issues EAP can help address issues that
SCENARIO EXAMPLES ◘ Changes in the organization, business unit or work group ◘ Increased conflict in the workplace ◘ Increased absenteeism ◘ Increased use of MLOA, etc. ◘ Others??
Getting to Alignment- Step 1 Needs Analysis - Questions, we have questions... □Create a Funnel ◘ Start out wide – what’s the current business climate at the site, what is/are the dominant driver(s) for the site, dept, work group, etc. ◘ Begin to narrow-where is the major “heartburn” – for leaders, employees, etc.
Getting to Alignment - Step 1 (cont) Needs Analysis- more questions □Continue Narrowing the Funnel ◘ What are you seeing ? Employee behaviors of concern ◘ What has been the organization response so far? ◘ Past history with training? Lessons learned? ◘ Who will be sponsoring this training? (level of leadership, HR, etc.)
Getting to Alignment- Step 1 (cont) Needs Analysis- Still more questions… □ Funnel continues to narrow ◘ What does success look like? ◘ The training works - what’s different? ◘ What’s the timing? When do they want the training?
Getting to Alignment- Step 2 Offering Alternatives □People support what they help create! □Involve the client in determining the training solution-Discuss options ◘ Have they seen the Training Catalogue? ◘ Would a review of a presentation be helpful? ◘ Timeframe for further discussion after the review
Getting to Alignment - Step 3 Checking for Agreement ◘ On the Presentation - areas of emphasis ◘ On the Timing - Date(s) / Times ◘ On the Location - single site - multi sites ◘ On the Delivery - in person, telephonic, webinar ◘ On the Audience - employees, supervisors, mixed
Document Discussions On the Training Request Form In the Org Services Review Capture your s – in both of the above and a folder for the client Makes hand-offs easier when principals change for the client or Value Options