Review of Audit Reports Financial Year th Quarterly Review Meeting of Finance Controllers, New Delhi
Outlay (approx) Funds Availability Expenditure Grants in Aid by GOI (expected) 1.Progress of Expenditure (Rs. in crores)
2.Status of Submission of Audit Reports of FY S. NoName of the StateDate of Report 1A&N Islands Andhra Pradesh Assam Arunachal Pradesh Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir
S. NoName of the StateDate of Report 16Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Lakshadweep Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Puducherry Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim
S. NoName of the StateDate of Report 31Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal
3. Comparative Statement of receipt of Audit Report MonthPeriod By November States11 States16 States December 2012 Delay 1 Month 7 States10 States January 2013 Delay 2 Month 9 States6 States7 States February 2013 Delay 3 Month 2 States6 States1 States
MonthPeriod March 2013 Delay 4 Month 2 States0 States1 States April 2013 Delay 5 Month 4 States1 States- May 2013 Delay 6 Month 2 States1 States- June 2013 Delay 7 Month 1 States0 States-
4. Para-109 of FM&P has specified following Time Table for External Audit S. No. ActivityMonth 1. Date of ECs approval for Engagement of Statutory Auditor January –March 2.Date of Engagement of CA firmBy April 3. Finalization of Annual Accounts for previous year By 30 th June 4.Commencement of Audit WorkBy 1 st July 5. Submission of Audit Report & Audited Accounts By 15 th October 6.Dispatch date to MHRDBy 1 st November of Every Year
5. Contents of Audit Report 1.Utilization Certificate (Annexure–XIX) 2.Consolidated Annual Financial Statement (Annexure–XX) 3.Consolidated Balance Sheet (Annexure– XXI) 4.Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account (Annexure–XXII) 5.Consolidated Receipt & Payment Accounts (Annexure–XXIII) 6.Management letter
7.Procurement Audit Certificate in the format sent under this Ministry’s letter No. 15/2/2003- SSA(PR) dated 29 th September FMRs – I, II & III duly filled in 9.Para on Coverage of Audit of VECs receiving grants of more than Rs. One lakh per year. 10. Gist of significant observations made by the Auditors who have conducted Audit of Accounts of DPOs/Sub DPOs. 11. Details of unadjusted advances as on Para on Settlement of outstanding previous years Audit objections.
6. Target for submission of Audit Reports for the FY S. No.Month No. of States/UT 1.By November