STD S & P REGNANCY By: Alaysha Torres
STD S AND P REGNANCY Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) PREG…NANCY (pregnancy)
C AUSES A ND P REVENTION OF STD S The most reliable ways to avoid becoming infected with or transmitting STDs are: Abstain from sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal, or anal sex) Be in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner Latex male condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of transmission of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. Having unprotected sex with many untreated or tested partners will/may cause STDs.
C AUSES AND P REVENTION OF P REGNANCY Vasectomy is a safe, simple and effective birth control method Abstinence-While this is extremely effective in avoiding pregnancy, most couples will not find it desirable for any extended period of time. Condom-more highly effective pregnancy prevention products available, if used properly. Vaginal Pouch-referred to as a "female condom," made of lubricated polyurethane, which fits inside the vagina to block sperm from reaching the uterus. Having unprotected sex will/may pregnancy.
H OW STD S ARE D IAGNOSED For men and women, the CDC recommends yearly HIV testing if you are at risk of infection— simply stated, if you've had unprotected sex with more than one sexual partner since your last screening. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women will acquire an HPV infection within their lives, and that number jumps to 80 percent of women by age 50
H OW P REGNANCIES ARE DIAGNOSED Pregnancy is officially diagnosed early on by blood or urine tests. Nowadays home pregnancy tests are accurate fairly early on. Pregnancy can also be diagnosed by ultrasound or a physical exam by a practitioner. Home pregnancy tests, which test for the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in urine, are often used to diagnose pregnancy. These tests are accurate 97 percent of the time.
T REATMENT OF STD S There are many STDs out there, and the types of STD treatment areas as varied as their symptoms. Remember, however, if you are diagnosed with an STD, that the only person who can tell you the appropriate STD treatment is your healthcare provider. Treatment is decided on between you and your doctor on an individual basis in order to adjust for any other issues that may be affecting your overall physical health. The articles below are merely a guideline so that you know what to expect.
T REATMENT OF P REGNANCIES Surgery-If you have an ectopic pregnancy that is causing severe symptoms, bleeding. Medicine -Using methotrexate to end an pregnancy spares you from an incision and general anesthesia.