The Miami lived in Indiana, Illinois,Michigan, and Ohio.
The Miami Indians lived in villages of small oval houses with walls of woven reed. Today they live in modern houses and apartments.
They spoke Miami-Illinois language.
The Miami Indians has its own goverment.They are also U.S citizens so they must obey laws.
Men wore breech cloths. Shirts in cool Weather. But in the winter they didn’t wear long pants. Women wore long headdresses. Both men and women wore moccasins.
They made dugout canoes. Miami used dogs as pack animals. Today they use cars.
The Miami children went to school and also helped around the house.
They made quillwork, beadwork, and embroidery.
Miami used bows and arrows, tomahawks, and shields.
Miami men went hunting and sometimes went to war. Women were great farmers.
Miami Indians ate corn, beans, and squash. They also ate buffalo, and soup, cornbread, and stews.
About 2,500 Miami live today.