Chapters 1-3 Remi Rodriguez & Taylor Zylicz 4th Period 1.From Human Prehistory to the Early Civilizations 2.Classical Civilizations: China 3.Classical Civilizations: India
● Technological Advancements ● Cultural Diffusion ● Declineof Civilizations ● Changes in Society 4 Main Ideas
●Paleolithic era: fire, stone tools ●Neolithic Revolution: metal tools, domestication of animals, seeds ●Bronze Age ●Sumerians: cuneiform ●River Valley Civilizations: mathematics, wheel, plow, etc Technological Advancements
China ●ox drawn plows ●iron in Zhou ●water-powered mills ●paper Technological Advancements India ●astronomy ●medical ●mathematics
●Han Dynasty (from 206 B.C.E. to 220 C.E.) Buddhism spread to China ●Silk Road- Chinese ●merchants, or traders, and missionaries Cultural Diffusion: China
●Mesopotamia – regional cultures created that could survive invasion ●Fertile Crescent Cultural Diffusion
●Siddhartha Gautama- Buddha ●Indian traders acted as middlemen on the Silk Road Cultural Diffusion: India
Indus River Valley: invasions Mesopotamia: invasions Egyptians: Kingdom of Kush Hwang He: Invasions, then development Decline of Civilizations
China ●Mandate of Heaven ●Dynastic cycle Decline of Civilizations
India ●Maurya: death, Kushan invaders ●Instability ●Gupta: Huns Decline of Civilizations
●Late Paleolithic Developments: o -Relative gender equality ●In Egypt for example men were vested with authority over public and private affairs of their women ●Hammurabi's Code ●caste system with ideals of the Varnas that brought their patriarchal system of life to India Changes in Society