Franklin D.Roosevslt 32 President of the US,he is remembed as one of moust successful in American history.Taking residence in the White House during thr Great Depression.He was born on Jauary 30 th,1882 in Hyde Park to James and Sara Delano Roosevelt.His early life was spent at home were his parents and private teashers eadcated him.Young Franklin did not actually attend school until he reached the age of fourteen.
Following graduation he decided to stadu law at olundia University. It was in 1905, while ne was atend Columbia that he married Ann Eleanor.Their first child Anna was born the following year.Four boys james (1907),Elliot(1910),Franklin Jr.(1914),and John(1916) followed along with another child that did not survive infancy.
Roosevelt left Columbia without a degreeafter passing the bar eaminations in 1907.then he worked for a New York law firm until his political career took off in 1910.He was elected to the Senate as New York’s Democratic candidate and won re –election in 1912.
In tze summer of 1921, at tze age of 39 Roojevelt conractied poliot and suffered paralysis in his legs. Although nenever fully recovecd use of them,ne didn’t let it hinder him and evenually tunded research into an effective vaccination against polio.
In 1944 his health grew worce,he had a problem with heart.And in1945,on April 12 th Franclin D. Roosevelt died.