Diseases Each slide will have a set of clues. As a table group, make a guess about what disease is being referred to. How much do you know…..
Its name comes from the Italian language meaning "influence" and refers to the cause of the disease; initially, it was thought to be due to unfavorable astrological influences. 100,000 X A 1918 outbreak was called "the greatest medical holocaust in history" and it is estimated that 2.5-5% of the world’s population died. It is not an uncommon disease, you may have had it in your lifetime. Disease 1
Disease 2 Highly infectious, kills up to 90% of people who contract it. One disturbing symptom is hemorrhagic fever, which means that blood leaks from tissues. A recent outbreak on the continent of Africa resulted in fever screenings at airports.
Disease 3 The technical name of this disease is “dracunculiasis medinensis” or “little dragon from Medina.” Former president Jimmy Carter lead a campaign to eradicate this disease from an area in Africa where it was endemic. His plan was simple: filter water before you drink it.
Disease 4 This virus results in acute inflammation of the brain, which causes confusion, loss of consciousness and eventually death. It is transmitted by animals, though dogs can get a vaccine for it. In fact, the law requires they do. An unusual symptom of this disease is hydrophobia.
Disease 5 Antibiotics have reduced the incidence of the disease, but it is still present in developing countries. The disease has been given a new name: Hansen’s disease, but most people know its old name…. This disease is spread by respiratory droplets. Skin lesions and nerve damage can result in loss of limbs. People were so afraid of contracting it in the middle ages, that colonies were formed to separate the infected from the general population. Also, know one knew how the disease was spread.
Disease 6 Photogenic bacterium that is now treated with antibiotics, but historically, it has been with humankind for a very long time. Early stages of this disease start with a skin lesion called a chancre. The disease may appear to disappear and then return later in life, causing dementia, and tumor-like sores in soft tissue. It is also fatal if untreated. As a sexually transmitted disease, many people would not get tested, even though a cure had been found.
Disease 7 Found primarily in tropical regions; the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that there were 627,000 deaths in 2012 from this disease. Although it is transmitted by mosquitoes, the actual pathogen is a microscopic organism called plasmodium. It infects and destroys blood cells. Not everyone who contracts the disease dies, the victims are usually children.
Disease 8 If you get this disease, one of the first signs will be muscle spasms which may cause your jaw to lock shut - lockjaw. Very few people in modern times get this disease because children (and adults) are vaccinated for it. Adults may get a booster shot which will also include a vaccine for pertussis, or whooping cough. This disease is often associated with injuries, like stepping on a rusty nail.
Disease 9 Cases of a rare, aggressive cancer called Kaposi’s Sarcoma alerted health officials that something was amiss, though at the time (1981), they didn’t know what was causing healthy people to develop this rare cancer. It later became established that cancer and a type of pneumonia were opportunistic infections. They were being seen in people with a compromised immune system.