Making Custom Books Using PowerPoint Sandy Travagli Assistive Technology/Augmentative and Alternative Communication Specialist
Why Make Your Own Books? MOTIVATING to student!!! Uses high interest topics The student can get involved in designing the book by Choosing the pictures/images (if able) Choosing the text (if able) Books can be made age appropriate at the reading level/understanding level of the student Single switch can read a book independently Easy to make bilingual books
Why Use PowerPoint? Readily available to most people Families/group homes are more likely to have PowerPoint at home and know the basics of using it Books can be shared across platforms and on different computer (with the use of a USB flash drive)
Theme Ideas Personal story about: Where the student lives A special vacation/part/event the student experienced The student’s family and/or friends Favorite things: Television or book character Animal or pet Sport/sport star Musician/music group
Theme Ideas Create a social story Create a story to illustrate a poem or song Create a story about pop culture Curriculum that your class is learning Holidays/customs Seasons Science (planets, animals, human body) Alphabet and numbers Current events
Building Successful Literacy Learning Experiences for Beginning Readers Predictable text Repetition with variety Cognitive engagement Comprehension instruction Personal connection with the curriculum Check out Route 66 supports a broad range of literacy activities. It is a research based and is literacy success of adolescents and adult beginning readers
Lets Create a Book! Steps to creating a book in PowerPoint 1. Create a folder for your talking book Gather all your pictures into this one folder 2. Open PowerPoint go to templates and get the accessible book template 3. Add pictures from your file to book pages 4. Add text to your pages 5. Add speech and sound to your pages 6. Complete and save your talking book
You now have the POWER to create your own books!