June 2007 SCONUL Access The largest borrowing scheme for higher education in the UK and Ireland
SCONUL Access2 The intended audience for this presentation is potential users of SCONUL Access It provides background information to the scheme and addresses its procedural requirements
SCONUL Access3 Benefits to users The largest borrowing scheme for higher education in the UK and Ireland Access to over 170 library services Single rules for joining; same method of identification required
SCONUL Access4 Eligible users Staff Postgraduate – research only Postgraduate taught Part time, distance learning and placement students [*Please delete from above list as appropriate] In good standing Current ID or library card
SCONUL Access5 Registering for SCONUL Access A SCONUL Access card will be issued for the –Duration of your library registration or –Duration of your ID or library card or –Duration of your placement or –Three years whichever is the shorter Scheme registration may be extended if employment or registration continues
SCONUL Access6 Visiting other libraries A list of libraries participating in the scheme and a user guide is available at [ ‘Using other libraries’] Each library has designated a borrowing entitlement for SCONUL Access users –Borrowing entitlements i.e. number of loans, loan period and type of material may vary
SCONUL Access7 Visiting other libraries You must present both your SCONUL Access card and your ID or library card when registering with participating libraries You will be registered for the period shown on your SCONUL Access card You should receive –A copy of that library’s rules and regulations –Advice on any restrictions in access
SCONUL Access8 Visiting other libraries Membership of the scheme is a privilege; you will be a guest in another library Try to avoid incurring debts, but if it happens please pay promptly!
SCONUL Access9 Start Borrowing!