Edward Taylor Al Renner Lois Robinson
Define Sexual Orientation Impact on the workplace Political implications Financial implications Moral/Ethical implications Questions
Heterosexual Homosexual Bisexual Transgender
Legal Challenges ◦ Absence of Legislation Practical Challenges ◦ Create an Environment that Values Diversity ◦ Preventing Sexual Orientation Discrimination
No – Federal or Ohio private employment protection based on sexual orientation & gender identity Yes – Federal public employment protection based on sexual orientation & gender identity Yes - Ohio public employment protection based on sexual orientation & gender identity Ohio House Bill 176 – if passed, will provide Ohio private employment protection
Sends an affirming message to the estimated $660 billion annual domestic GLBT consumer market. Unfairness in the workplace costs U.S. employers $64 billion annually GAO estimates $200 million loss from DADT GAO found “relatively few” complaints in states with a law making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.
States that prohibit sexual orientation discrimination. Antidiscrimination Laws/States Local Laws/Cities & Counties
The implications Executive Order How companies disclose protection from discrimination against sexual orientation.