Day 5 – Histograms and Box Plots (Calc) and Measures of Center CC1A
After Assessment… Begin working on: Measures of Center Practice WS Please work individually until all students have completed the quiz. Thanks!
On a test of hand-eye coordination, the number of seconds required to finish a task involving fitting various shapes into corresponding holes is recorded. A group of 15 students in the second grade required the following times to complete the task (secs) Create a histogram. 1.) STAT 2.) edit 3.) fill in L1 4.) 2 nd Quit 5.) 2 nd “1”, enter Calculator Tutorial - Histogram 6.) 2 nd, Stat Plot 7.) “On”, enter 8.) Histogram, enter 9.) L1, leave freq at 1 10.) Graph 11.) TRACE to see min/max each interval ** you may need to press ZOOM, #9 to see the graph
Calculator Tutorial – Box Plot On a test of hand-eye coordination, the number of seconds required to finish a task involving fitting various shapes into corresponding holes is recorded. A group of 15 students in the second grade required the following times to complete the task (secs) Create a box plot. 1.) STAT 2.) edit 3.) fill in L1 4.) 2nd Quit 5.) 2nd “1”, enter 6.) 2 nd, Stat Plot 7.) “On”, enter 8.) Box Plot, enter 9.) L1, leave freq at 1 10.) Graph 11.) TRACE to see the 5 number summary ** you may need to press ZOOM, #9 to see the graph
Measures of Center Practice As a group, look over the Carolina Panthers’ Data. Calculate the mean, median, and range for each year – you may split the years up between group members! Complete the follow up questions together as a whole group
State Spelling Bee RebeccaAllenJulie Our school has to select a student to send to the North Carolina Spelling Bee. Three students are in contention. The number of words each spelled correctly, in previous spelling bees, is given in the chart to the right. Who would you pick to go?