King Lear Structure, characters, and themes
King Lear ReganGonerilCordelia AlbanyCornwallFrance
King Lear Characters Main Plot Primary -- dynamic –Protagonist, changes through play Lear –Antagonist, character revealed Goneril, Regan Secondary -- static –Reflection characters Cordelia, Kent, Fool, France
King Lear Characters Sub Plot Good –Gloucester, Edgar Evil –Edmund –Reflection characters Oswald, Albany, Cornwall, servant to Cornwall
King Lear Foils Character foiling –Lear and Gloucester –Cordelia and Edgar –Goneril/Regan and Edmund
King Lear Themes Parent/child relationship Flattery Madness Judgment Appearance vs. reality world view of Renaissance Christian Humanist and Machiavellian
King Lear Motifs and Imagery Motifs –Seeing –Judging –Flattery –“the worst” –“unaccomodated man” –Patience –nothing Imagery –Insults –Foul fiend, madness –Swearing by Gods –Astrology
The End