1. As a chairperson 2. As participants
LANGUAGE EXPRESSION FOR A CHAIRPERSON The Start of a Meeting 1. To greet and start a meeting 2. To thank and to appreciate 3. To state the principal objective(s) 4. To allocate roles (secretary/participants) 5. To give apologies for someone who is absence 6. To discuss and confirm minutes of the previous meeting 7. To ask for a seconder
LANGUAGE EXPRESSION FOR A CHAIRPERSON The Main Part of a Meeting 1. To discuss the items on the agenda 2. To mediate 3. To seek opinions 4. To interrupt 5. To direct the flow from one item on the agenda to the next 6. To call for a vote 7. To raise matters under any other business (A.O.B) The End of a Meeting 1. To summarise/close 2. To inform the date, time and venue of the next meeting (optional)
LANGUAGE EXPRESSION FOR PARTICIPANTS The Start of a Meeting 1. To accept the minutes 2. To second the acceptance of the minutes The Main Part of a Meeting 1. To express opinions a) Strong b) Neutral c) Tentative(Not very convinced ) 2. To suggest 3. To clarify 4. To present 5. To agree 6. To disagree 7. To interrupt 8. To correct misunderstanding 9. To volunteer Activities
Meeting Terminology There are many terms used in a meeting especially in a formal setting. Test your knowledge on the meeting terminology by completing the crossword puzzle in Activity 11.
DOWN 1: committee official responsible for the internal and external administration of a committee – SECRETARY 2: a system of secret voting in the written form – BALLOT 5:all being in favour – UNANIMOUS 6: the name given to a ‘proposal’ when it is being discussed at a meeting – MOTION 10: to close a meeting or hold a meeting over until a later date – ADJOURN 11: participant or person attending a meeting – ATTENDEE 12: leader or person given authority to conduct a meeting – CHAIRMAN 13: a submitted item for discussion (usually written) before a meeting takes place – PROPOSAL 15: person not at the meeting, not present – ABSENTEE 17: literally ‘on behalf of another person’ who cannot attend to cast a vote during a meeting – PROXY
ACROSS 3: a type of General Meeting called for all members to discuss a very serious or specific issue affecting all – EXTRAORDINARY 4: having the power to act upon taken decisions – EXECUTIVE 7: a formal method of deciding something, especially by officially writing a mark on a paper or by raising your hand or speaking in a meeting – VOTE 8: a type of group decision making. It involves coming to a decision acceptable to all members of the group without a vote being taken – CONSENSUS 9: the written record of what took place at a meeting – MINUTES 10: a schedule of items drawn up for discussion at a meeting – AGENDA 11: excuses given in advance for inability to attend a meeting – APOLOGIES 14: committee official responsible for its financial records and transactions – TREASURER 16: one who speaks against a motion – OPPOSER 18: one who supports the ‘proposer’ of a motion or proposal by ‘seconding’ it – SECONDER 19: the minimum number of people who must be in attendance before a meeting is official – QUORUM