World Population
What is Population? Population is the collection of people or organisms of a particular species, living in a certain geographic area, or space, and is usually measured by a census The current human population of the world is: The study of human population is called Demography Demographers measure population through census (counting), probability, and estimates The majority of the earth’s population lives near the coast
Population Growth Population growth occurs when fertility rate is higher than mortality rate Fertility rate is the avg. amount of children born to one woman Mortality rate is how often people are dying Population growth needs a replacement level above 2.0 Population decline needs a replacement level below 2.0 += + = + = 2.0=Replacement Level 1.0= Under Replacement Level4.0= Over Replacement Level
Life expectancy also matters. If people die at a young age, your population will not grow as fast despite a high replacement rate Country, Replacement Rate, Life Expectancy 1. Niger, Africa 7.46 – 43.5 years 5. Afghanistan, S. Asia 6.69 – 42.9 years 17. Palestine, Middle East 5.78 – 71.7 years 32. Haiti, Caribbean 4.94 – 52.9 years 39. Laos, South East Asia 4.68 – years 58. Belize, Latin America 3.60 – 68.4 years 118. United States, North America 2.09 – 77.6 years 152. Great Britain, W. Europe – 1.72 – 78.5 years 183. Russia, E. Europe 1.25 – 67.1 years 1. Which country will lose population slowly? 2. Which country will gain population quickly? 3. Which countries will stay the same?
4. How much will the world population grow between 2010 and 2050? 5. Is that faster growth than between ?
6. In which country does most of the world’s population live? 7. On which continent does most of the world’s population live?
8. According to the chart when did population growth rates increase? 9. Is the rate currently increasing or decreasing?
10. Based on the replacement levels will population increase or decrease in Africa? 11. What will happen to population in Europe?