Kenbridge Elementary School John Long
Kenbridge Elementary School 392 Students PreK-5 th (K-5 were observed during walkthroughs) Rural School Division in Southside Virginia 72% Free and Reduced Lunch 20% ELL
Fall Highlights Data was scattered among multiple “look- fors” on the walkthrough chart. Number 8 was the only high yield “look for” that was checked twice. The most common low yield indicator observed was the usage of worksheets.
Professional Development Opportunities Dr. Hattie’s books were introduced and available for checkout in our professional library. January 2015,The staff was introduced to Dr. Hattie’s levels of student. The “cheat sheet” was shared with staff. March 2015, Professional Development with Dr. Greg Wheeler on Student Engagement.
Spring Noteworthy observations The level of self assessment observed improved drastically following the Professional Development by Dr. Wheeler on Student Engagement. The most common low yield indicator observed remained the usage of worksheets.
Fall to Spring Data Comparisons
Next Steps using Data for the remainder of the school year Professional Development Opportunity in the next staff meeting focused on Setting Learning Goals and Engaged Problem Solving as these were not observed. Review the findings with school leadership team for planning purposes for next year.
Implementations Recommendations for Professional Development for the School Year Share data the staff on a biweekly bas is to set goals for developing levels of student engagement. Staff book study using my My Big Campus to facilitate discussion.