Vocabulary for Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
VENERATION VENERATION (n.) - great respect or reverence MACABRE MACABRE (adj.)- connected with or descriptive of death
characterized by transparent clearness LIMPID (Adj.)
REDOLENT REDOLENT (adj.) - full of a specified fragrance PIOUS PIOUS (adj.) – devoutly religious PRECIPE PRECIPE (n.) - a vertical or overhanging rock face
BEREFT BEREFT (adj.) - deprived of something; leave desolate or alone IMMINENT IMMINENT (adj.) – about to occur
DUBIOUS (Adj.) Giving rise to uncertainty; doubtful promise or outcome
CONSECRATION CONSECRATION (n.) - The act of declaring something or place as sacred, especially for religious purposes AMICABLE AMICABLE (adj.) – Friendly This is not an amicable cat!
COMPLICITY COMPLICITY (n.) - Association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act FULMINATED FULMINATED (v.) - To issue a thunderous verbal attack or denouncement