So What’s Your Opinion? November 13, 2013 K-2 nd Grade
Meeting Norms Be present Use technology appropriately
Today’s Purpose Dig into the characteristics of W._.1. Share ready to use writing resources for your classroom from Kathy Bumgardner’s Writing for Success seminar.
Group Activity #1 What are the characteristics of opinion writing? At your table use the sticky notes to write your response to the question. Then share your sticky notes and group your responses based on similarities. After discussing with your group, write a concluding sentence using “Opinion writing is……”
Let’s Discuss… Are opinion writing and persuasive writing the same? Why or why not? Do W.K.1, W.1.1, and W.2.1 focus on persuasive writing? Why or why not? Are opinions required for persuasive writing? Why or why not?
W.1 Anchor Standard Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
Compare the Standards K- Combination of drawing, dictating, and writing, tell read topic or name of book, state opinion (i.e. My favorite book is… 1- Introduce topic or name of book, state opinion, supply reason and provide sense of closure 2- Introduce topic or book, state opinion, supply reasons, use linking words (because, and, also), provide concluding statement or section
Logical argument vs. Persuasive writing OPINION relies on logic. Statement to the audience of the perceived merit and reasonableness of the claims and proofs offered. ARGUMENT relies on logic Convinces the audience because of the perceived merit and reasonableness of the claims and proofs offered. PERSUASION relies on persuasive strategies Appeals to audience’s self interest, sense of identity, emotions, credibility, or authority of the writer.
What the experts say… Opinion/ Argument writing is defined as a “reasoned, logical way of demonstrating that the writer’s position, belief, or conclusion is valid through legitimate evidence …” It is intended to convince “the audience because of the perceived merit and reasonableness of the claims and proofs ”…students are learning about “precision” and “accuracy” in stating their opinions using textual evidence and valid and relevant resources as needed… Appendix A CCSS ELA
So what types of “opinion pieces” can students write? Pictures/ posters Graphic organizers Letters (to editor, principal, city leaders etc.) Speeches Proposals Blogs Reviews Reading responses –i.e. favorite character, part, etc. –Questions based on text
Let’s take a closer took at opinion writing samples.
OREO Resources O-RE-O Opinion Writing OPINION: Give your opinion REASON: Give a relevant reason for your opinion EXAMPLE: Give at least 1 example that supports your reason. OPINON: Restate your opinion. Double O-RE- RE-O Opinion Writing 1- State Opinion 2- Give Reason 3- Give Example 4- Give Reason 5- Give Example 6- Restate opinion
Opinion Walk Opinion Walk Posters K-2 Opinion Walk Posters 3-5
Opinion Writing Resources mmon-core-argument-opinion-writing (explanations and samples) mmon-core-argument-opinion-writing 3 (lessons and resources) (rubrics and resources)
Writing Resources Writing Resources from Kathy BumgardnerWriting Resources from Kathy Bumgardner
Q-C-NL Please complete the question, comment, and new learning sheet and turn in.