THE FRIENDSHIP FORCE OF OTTAWA On being a good ambassador…..
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home. - James A. Michener
Prepare for your visit Some Do’s Some Don’ts What to do if things go wrong
A Good Ambassador Is flexible and sensitive Understands the other point of view Listens as well as talks Accepts another culture Is gracious and appreciative Remembers to leave a ‘thank you’ note when leaving. “Be yourself – but your best self”
PREPARE FOR YOUR VISIT Buy nice gifts for your hosts – remember that they will take care of you for a week! Also take along a variety of gifts for day hosts, dinner hosts and children etc. Do some homework – learn something of the culture and language of your host’s country. Prepare a small photograph album so that you can show your hosts something of your life and family.
DO’S Fit in with the program and your host’s plans. Show interest in everything you do and see Be punctual Be sensitive to any of your host’s cultural or religious observances. Remember that at all times you represent your country, Ottawa and Friendship Force. Be willing to try the cuisine and experience the customs
MORE DO’S Make sure you are educated about Canada Be sensitive to your host’s financial situation Take your host out to a meal at least once Offer to fill the fuel tank if you have been driven around extensively. Be a good guest – help where possible. Above all, maintain a healthy sense of humour!!!
DON’Ts As always, don’t argue religion or politics Don’t ask to be driven around for your own convenience – take public transport Don’t travel with your own ‘agenda’ Don’t be a “loud mouth” Don’t make constant comparisons – comment only in positive terms Don’t use the telephone without arrangement with your host. Don’t take advantage of your host’s hospitality
WHAT TO DO IF THINGS GO WRONG!! Illness: communicate with your host & ED who will help, or arrange for you to see a doctor. Don’t wait till problem escalates. Problem Hosting Situation: discuss with host anything which can be solved by minor adjustments. Otherwise discreetly and quietly bring situation to attention of your ED. There are few problems that cannot be resolved with a little diplomacy. Above all, don’t let your actions cause irreparable harm to Friendship Force. “Today’s crisis may be tomorrow’s anecdote” MOST THINGS ARE WORKABLE FOR ONE WEEK
REMEMBER……. Faces, not places
With thanks to FF Adelaide, Australia 2014