Alissa S. Age 8 Missouri Rippenator Ruler Reference Marker
At school we have to rip lots of things out of our notebooks. I would sometimes tear the paper in half. All of my friends were complaining about it too. Then our invention unit came up so I thought and came up with a book mark but somebody all ready thought of it. Then I thought to myself and said “what about a little thing that goes into a notebook and it tears a page out of the notebook that is a book mark and a ruler too?”
Instead of a messy paper it comes out cleanly It’s a small, easily accessible ruler Provides a bookmark for your spiral bound notebooks
1. Designing the connection to the spiral notebook wasn’t easy We first tried a “T” junction Didn’t work because it wasn`t easy to connect to the notebook Next we tried a “L” junction Worked because it fit easily in the notebook
2. Finding the right material to make the R 3 out of was difficult Our first materials, laminates, were too soft We finally tried a hard plastic and it was strong enough to the rip the paper out