Eyewitness Testimony Eyewitness Testimony
DO NOW Describe the difference between retroactive and proactive interference. Provide an example for each.
The rumor chain I need 3 volunteers
The Upside of Forgetting What is déjà vu? &list=PLhfdMF9uC2pAaqiNgm9tvRu9gWbGVNw c4&index=13 &list=PLhfdMF9uC2pAaqiNgm9tvRu9gWbGVNw c4&index=13
Eyewitness Testimony Eyewitness Identification: Most people believe their minds are like video cameras that record everything they experience in life. They are not. Psychological research has shown that our minds make mistakes, can make-up, erase, and distort memories. Ronald Cotton’s story is one of those cases.