Paul stated the theme of Romans in 1:16, 17 Justification by faith through the gospel Jew & Gentile
Prosecutes Gentiles and Jews Immorality Rebellion Hypocrisy
Wrath of God revealed from heaven, 1:18 Against -Ungodliness -Unrighteousness -Suppressors of truth
God is made known in creation, 1:19, 20 Existence, Psa. 19:1-6 Intelligence, Psa. 139:14 Power: sun, moon, stars, weather Without excuse, Acts 14:15-17 God’s will only known through revelation, 1 Cor. 2:7-12
Rejected God – darkened hearts, 1:21 Darkness, Eph. 4:17-32 Not totally depraved from start
Foolishness of wise men, 1 Cor. 1:18-29 Abortion & protecting eagles Euthanasia & protecting slugs Homosexual marriage No spanking – better behavior Many truths leading to heaven
Exchanged incorruption for corruption, 1:23 God is perfect, Mt. 5:48 Idols are not, Isa. 44:9-17; Psa. 115:3-8; Jer. 10:2-5
Man rejected God – God rejected man, 1:24, 25 Morals Doctrine, 2 Thes. 2:9-12
Grossly immoral behavior, 1:26, 27 Lesbians Homosexuals Vile Against nature Shameful Penalty of error, Jude 7
Filled with unrighteousness, 1:28-31 Sexual immorality Wickedness Covetousness Maliciousness
Filled with unrighteousness, 1:28-31 Envy Murder Strife Deceit Evil-mindedness
Filled with unrighteousness, 1:28-31 Whisperers Backbiters Haters of God Violent
Filled with unrighteousness, 1:28-31 Proud Boasters Inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents
Filled with unrighteousness, 1:28-31 Undiscerning Untrustworthy Unloving Unforgiving Unmerciful
Practice or approval – death, 1:32 Non-covenant people accountable Refrain & rebuke, Eph. 5:7, 11
Paul stated the theme of Romans in 1:16, 17 Justification by faith through the gospel Jew & Gentile
Prosecutes Gentiles and Jews Immorality Rebellion Hypocrisy