1. What is climate? 2. What 2 main factors affect climate? 3. What is a climate zone? 4. What are the three climate zones? 5. What is the tropical zone?


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Presentation transcript:

1. What is climate? 2. What 2 main factors affect climate? 3. What is a climate zone? 4. What are the three climate zones? 5. What is the tropical zone? 6. What is the temperate zone? 7. What is the polar zone?

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1. What is climate? Average weather in an area over a long period of time.

2. What 2 main factors affect climate? Temperature Precipitation

3. What is a climate zone? The Earth is broken into three climate zones depending on temperature and latitude.

4. What is the tropical zone? Zone from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn Warm zone around the equator Receives the most solar radiation Temperatures are hot except at high elevations

5. What is the temperate zone? Between tropical and polar zones Moderate temperatures Continental United States is in this zone

6. What is the polar zone? Includes north and south poles Below freezing all winter and chilly in the summer Coldest average temperatures