Work plan Suriname Chili, Santiago, 26 October – 03 November 2009 Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing (MSAPH) Presented by: Marsiane Partowidjojo, Policy Official Angela Salmo, Policy Official
Evaluation of immaterial services within the Social Safety Net (SSN) at MSAPH through internal consultations: divisions providing Immaterial services at MSAPH lack the capacity to execute nationwide on levels of: divisions providing Immaterial services at MSAPH lack the capacity to execute nationwide on levels of: - sufficient and/or specialized staff - knowledge on monitoring & evaluation on execution level - infrastructure for deconcentration of services (remote areas also, s.a. the interior) - synchronizing of immaterial and material social services - budgetary restraints - restraints in wages policy (FISO) -Transparency of work procedures
Revised work plan with the following objectives: 1. Strengthening and Integration of social services of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing (Phase I) 2. Integration of social services of Suriname (Phase II) 3. Design of a uniform exit strategy applicable to all social services in Suriname (Phase III)
Consultations with consultants and internal assessments on capacity strengthening on levels of: -implementation and absorption capacity on policy and executive level; -human resources development including general capacity and management skills -institutions to support capacity building
Detailed assessment on capacities needed on all levels of the ministry: 1. Meetings with policy officials, head of divisions and field officers 2. Visits to field offices to observe working procedures and facilities
Detailed evaluation of executive working methods: 1. Logistics 2. Administration 3. Referral system 4. Counseling & coaching methods 5. Monitoring & evaluation methods
1. Ownership on all levels (minister, directors, head of div., fieldworkers, external stakeholders) 2. Budgetary restraints 3. Continuity of policy priority SSN after elections May Increasing capacities on all levels (FISO award restraints) 5. Reorganization of working methods (logistics, administration, referral system, etc.)
1. Set feasible goals (results in 1 st work plan too high) 2. Ownership in early stage of project 3. Detailed screening of social services division beforehand
1. Finalizing assessment inception capacity strengthening plan (CSP) of MSAPH 2. Develop a CSP 3. Lobby with government for approval & execution 4. Interim monitoring & evaluation of execution CSP 5. Compare CSP with needed capacities of Puente
1. More info on referral system of the Puente 2. Human resources capacities within Puente (posts & capacities) 3. More info on monitoring & evaluation system 4. Available social services for people with disabilities and the elderly for active citizenship 5. Counseling & coaching plan & link with referral system
1. Technical assistance 2. Training in specialized social work 3. Twinning projects on social work 4. Administration assistance