National Department of Transport (NDOT) Response to questions from the Select Committee on Transport of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Department of Transport Presentation to the National Council of Provinces 17 September 2003
Contents of the presentation Institutional Arrangements and roles Infrastructure development and linkages with Industrial Development Plans (IDPs) and Integrated Transport Plans (ITPs) Quotas or Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Port security and the role of South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and South African Police Services
Institutional Arrangements and Roles National Department of Transport (NDOT) Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) National Ports Authority (NPA) South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) Port Regulator National Ports Forum (NPF) Ports Consultative Committees (PCCs)
National Department of Transport Developing and maintaining the Ports Policy Developing and maintaining the port regulatory framework Appointing members of the Board of the Port Regulator Port Regulator to report to the Minister of Transport Development of port regulations Appointing National Ports Forum reporting to the Minister of Transport Appointing Departmental official to the Ports Consultative Committees
Department of Public Enterprises Facilitation of the implementation of the Ports Policy Develop guidelines on the concessioning of Port Operations Minister of Public Enterprises to appoint members of the Board of the National Ports Authority National Ports Authority to report to the Minister of Public Enterprises Minister of Public Enterprises to incorporate the National Ports Authority
National Ports Authority To be landlord Will develop common port infrastructure Arrange services and utilities Provide vessel traffic control and aids to navigation Concessioning of port operations
South African Maritime Safety Authority Responsible for the safety of South African Territorial Waters Certification and licensing of NPA pilots Set standards
National Ports Forum Accountable to the Minister of Transport Advises the Minister on port issues Minister to appoint members of the NPF Official of NDOT to chair the NPF
Ports Consultative Committee Minister to appoint a port consultative committee for each port Provide a forum for exchange of views Authority must consult PCC regarding major port expansion and development
Independent Port Regulator Economic regulation –Consider tariffs –Ensure equity of access Exercise oversight to NPA –Abuse of power –Complaints and appeals
Infrastructure Development Port Authority Local Government –Industrial Development Plans –Integrated Transport Plans –Port Master Plans
Black Economic Empowerment Maydon Wharf Transnet Procurement Policy in awarding of concessions
Port Security The role of the South African National Defence Force The role of the South African Police Services Implementation of Maritime security measures as required by SOLAS convention and ISPS code