1 Randomly Modulated Periodic Signals Melvin J. Hinich Applied Research Laboratories University of Texas at Austin
2 Rotating Cylinder Data
3 Cat Brain EEG Seizure
4 Daily Sunspots
5 Hourly Alberta Electricity Demand
6 Hourly Alberta Electricity Prices
7 One Week of Yen/US $ Returns
8 Canadian $/US $ Rates of Return
9 Bassoon Note
10 Flute Note
11 Definition of a RMP A signal is called a randomly modulated periodicity with period T=N if it is of the form
12 Random Modulations are jointly dependent random processes that satisfy two conditions: Periodic block stationarity
13 Finite Dependence Condition needed to ensure that averaging over frames yields asymptotically gaussian estimates are independently distributed if
14 Fourier Series for Components
15 Signal Plus Noise The modulation is part of the signal It is not measurement noise
16 Artificial Data Examples
17 Five Standard Deviations
18 Three Standard Deviations
19 Two Standard Deviations
20 One Standard Deviation
21 No Correlation in the Modulation
22 Block Data into Frames The data block is divided into M frames of length T The t-th observation in the mth frame is T is chosen by the user to be the period of the periodic component
23 Signal Coherence Function
24 Frame Rate Synchronization The frame length T is chosen by the user to be the hypothetical period of the randomly modulated periodic signal. If T is not an integer multiple of the true period then coherence is lost.
25 Signal Coherence Spectrum The signal-to-noise ratio is
26 Estimating Signal Coherence
27 Statistical Measure of Modulation SNR
28 Chi Squared Statistic
29 Coherent Part of the Mean Frame
30 Spectrum of the Variance Fourier Series Expansion
31 Sunspot Spectra
34 Power & Signal Coherence Spectra - Demand
35 Power & Signal Coherence Spectra - Prices
36 Yen/$ Spectrum & Coherencies
37 Exchange Rates Data 25 exchange rate series sampled half-hourly for the whole of 1996 with weekends removed. The weekend period is from 23:00 GMT on Friday when North American financial centres close until 23:00 GMT on Sunday when Australasian markets open. The incorporation of such prices would lead to spurious zero returns and would potentially render trading strategies which recommended a buy or sell at this time to be nonsensical. Removal of these weekend observations leaves 12,575 observations for subsequent analysis.
38 Summary Statistics
39 Coherence Results I
40 Coherence Results II
41 Coherent Part of Yen/$ Mean Frame
42 Descriptive Statistics of Canadian$/US$ Daily Data 20.7 Sample size = Years Mean = 0.557E-04 Std Dev = 0.270E-02 Skew = 0.933E-01 Kurtosis = 3.62 Max value = 0.191E-01 Min value = E Frames = 40 Frame Length = Frequencies in band = 93 Maximum coherence probability = Coherence threshold = 0.35
43 Canadian$/US$ Daily Data Spectra
44 Waterfall Spectrograms of RMP+Noise SNR = - 38 dB
45 Sigcoh Probability Waterfall of RMP+Noise SNR = - 38 dB
46 Waterfall Spectrograms of RMP+Noise SNR = - 44 dB
47 Sigcoh Probability Waterfall of RMP+Noise SNR = - 44 dB
48 Winglet Vibration Data
49 Winglet Spectrum & Coherencies
50 Prewhitened Winglet Spectra
51 Tuned Prewhitened Winglet Spectra
52 Noise Like Signal