By Jesse
The best thing at Canberra was the war memorial.docx canbphotos.docx canbera wordle.JPG
In 1927, the old parliament house was opened. In 1820 Explorers, Joseph Wild, James Vaughgan and Charles throsby first discovered the place where Canberra was eventually built. In 1844 The first school was built.
Walter Burley Griffin Julia Gillard Tony Abott King George VI Henry Parkes Edmund Barton
Canberra’s population is 358,510 Canberra covers 805 square kilometres
Lake Burley Griffin. Old Parliament House. New Parliament House. War Memorial. Telstra tower. Questacon. Art gallery. High court
The Constitution sets up a national, or federal, Government and explains how the country is organised and run.
Local State Federal
Democracy is a type of government where the People have the right to make the laws that govern how they live.