00 Workshop 4 “Elaboration of educational programmes according to qualifications framework” 16. und 17. February 2011 Georgia, Bakuriani Margret Schermutzki
11 How are learning outcomes linked to teaching and assessment? Identify aims and objectives of a moduleWrite learning outcomes using standard guidelines Develop a teaching and learning strategy to enable students to achieve learning outcomes Identify aims and objectives of a module Design assessment method to test if learning outcomes have been achieved Identify aims and objtives of a module If necessary modify module content and assessment in light of feedback Margret Schermutzki Jean-Luc Lamboley
22 Basic Competencies Checklist Course Oral and Written Communication Interpersonal and interaction skills Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations Ability for abstract thinking analysis and synthesis Ability to plan and manage time Ability to identify, pose and resolve problems Ability to work in a team Ability to make reasoned decisions Skills in the use of information and communications technologies Elements of Business Studies / Accounting Personal Introduction to theEconomics Business mathematics and Statistic Economic Private Law I Language / Social Competence A: Introduced B: Used C: Further developed D: Comprehensive Assessment Margret Schermutzki, Jean-Luc Lamboley
33 How are learning outcomes linked to teaching and assessment? Cognitive Demonstrate, Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analyses, Synthesis, Evaluation Affective Integration of beliefs, Ideas and attitudes Psychomotor Acquisition of physical skills Lectures, Tutorials Discussions Laboratory work Placements Seminar Peer group presentation End of module exam Multiple choice tests Essays Practical assessment Fieldwork Placement Presentation Project work …. Learning outcomes Teaching and learning activities Assessment LO specify the minimum acceptable standard to enable a student to pass a module. The students performance above this is differentiated by grading criteria Margret Schermutzki Jean-Luc Lamboley
44 Course Planning Tools Margret Schermutzki Jean-Luc Lamboley
55 Checklist Does the outcome: assess what is important? clearly describe what the student is asked to do, using action verbs? ask the students to apply what they have learned by producting something? include a timeframe? is it specific and measurable? Margret Schermutzki. Jean-Luc Lamboley
66 Thank you for your attention! Margret Schermutzki Christopher Moss Tuning Europe: We must not forget that learning outcomes, credits and qualification frameworks are just tools to help us and if we fail to use them correctly we will end up with something useless! Vgl Kennedy, Writing and using learning outcomes,Cork, ISBN Margret Schermutzki Jean-Luc Lamboley