Phonetics: A lecture Raung-fu Chung Southern Taiwan University
Spech Chain
Phonetics: 1.Articulatory phonetics 2.Auditory phonetics 3.Acoustic phonetics
Articulatory phonetics
Place of articulation: 1. lips 2. coronal 3. Dorsal
Place structure Place labial coronal dorsa [round] [ant] [strid] [hh] [low] [bk] Ant= anterior, Strid=strident, hi=high, bk=back
vibrationF:\A nimation1.gifF:\A nimation1.gif Phonation: vibration of the cords
Acoustics: Sound Waves Aperiodical & periodical waves Aperiodical waves Periodical waves
1. Cycle 2. Frequency 3. Amplitude Frequency: cycles/time Hz= cycles/second
Four elements of sounds: a. loudness: amplitude b. pitch: frequency c. duration: waves in time d. quality: waveforms in periodicality
Loudness & intensity
Sound properties:larynx and tongue
Above: larynx and tongue
Reflected in waveforms:
Further detailed
Interface: complicated process of sound production
Vowel quality: formants
Formant tracing: Chinese [shi]
What is a formant? Ladefoged: A group of overtones corresponding to a resonating frequency of the air in the vocal tract. [P.293] Laver: They (formants) represent the acoustic consequences of the changing shapes of the mouth and pharynx in terms of the varying frequency-values of the resonances of the vocal tract. [P.103) Pickett: In speech, the resonances of the vocal tract are called formants.[P.23]
Vocal tract and its type in vowels: Pickett 1999:41
Vocal tract as a tube:
Vocal tract shapes for vowels:
Know further? 1.The length from the lips to glottis is about 17 cm 2.The lowest frequency at which such a tube resonates will have a wavelength ( ) 4 times the length of the tube: = 4 x 17 cm = 68 cm 3. The formula for the frequencies of the vocal tract resonance are: F1= c/ ( =4 l, where 1= the length of the tube=17cm) c=34400cm (a constant number for the velocity in the open air) F2=3c/ F3=5c/
Formants of English vowels (Olive 1993)
Formants of a student’s English vowels
F1 & F2: a vowel chart
English vowel chart:
Vowels in other languages Southern Min (12 males)