PCR Starts Today! Remember to pull your attendance card Remember to pull your attendance card Get out your Personal Choice Reading (PCR) book and start in. We’ll have minutes to read today. Get out your Personal Choice Reading (PCR) book and start in. We’ll have minutes to read today. Don’t have a book? Explore the class library and find one. Bring it to Mr. T to check it out. Don’t have a book? Explore the class library and find one. Bring it to Mr. T to check it out. Give your book a chance, but if you can tell right away that you haven’t picked a good fit, put it away and find another one! Give your book a chance, but if you can tell right away that you haven’t picked a good fit, put it away and find another one!
About the class library These are books that I have purchased for you to use These are books that I have purchased for you to use Please respect the books—and me—by taking care of them. Please respect the books—and me—by taking care of them. Do not write in them, dog-ear them, or fold the covers back Do not write in them, dog-ear them, or fold the covers back Books can be checked out by Mr. T or by the class aide in the yearbook room. Books can be checked out by Mr. T or by the class aide in the yearbook room. Books do not leave the room without being checked out to you Books do not leave the room without being checked out to you
About the labels… FANT F Genre Level Lexile F/NF
Finish Building Reader’s Notebooks Get out your spiral notebook Get out your spiral notebook Staple the 6-page packet inside the front cover Staple the 6-page packet inside the front cover Staple the single page onto the first page of your notebook Staple the single page onto the first page of your notebook Staple the 3-page packet inside the back cover Staple the 3-page packet inside the back cover Write your name (first & last) and period # on the cover. (If you are also in my credit recovery class, write this period AND 7 th period on the cover) Write your name (first & last) and period # on the cover. (If you are also in my credit recovery class, write this period AND 7 th period on the cover)
More about the reading program… minutes of reading time every day in class minutes of reading time every day in class You can finish a lot of books by only reading in class… but not enough… You can finish a lot of books by only reading in class… but not enough… Your homework is always 20 minutes of reading time at home per day Your homework is always 20 minutes of reading time at home per day But what does “authentic” reading at home look like? But what does “authentic” reading at home look like?
How readers read… With your partner, brainstorm all the times during your weekend in which you had free time, even if it was just a few minutes here and there… With your partner, brainstorm all the times during your weekend in which you had free time, even if it was just a few minutes here and there… Did you go somewhere in a car? Did you go somewhere in a car? Did you find yourself waiting for someone or something? Did you find yourself waiting for someone or something? Were you bored at any point? When? Were you bored at any point? When? These times are when readers read! Rarely is it in minute blocks. Take your book with you and make use of your reading opportunities. These times are when readers read! Rarely is it in minute blocks. Take your book with you and make use of your reading opportunities.