Onjane’ Johnson and Aysha Burgos The Nifty Fifties
Brief History The 1950s is agreed among most to be the “Golden Age” of America. The U.S. emerged from WWII with a brand new attitude.
The economy was up and the middle class had more money to spend than ever. Most Americans lived in the suburbs at this time due to the surplus of wealth.
News Broadcasting Many people began to get news from their television. The experience was made easy and enjoyable for consumers to digest.There was no hard concentration or very much reading necessary if any at all.
TV became a favorite of America and soon there was one in every average home. The television was able to persuade mass audiences more than any device before it.
Television delivered messages in a brighter and more entertaining way, happily accepted by its audience. In a 1959 poll it was shown that in just 11 years television rose above radio and magazines as a popular source of news, and was also believed to be as trustworthy as newspapers.
Government and Politics Dwight Eisenhower was the beloved two term president of the fifties. He had brought the nation through the hard times of Communism and WWII.
A major fear in the 1950s was of Communism. To Americans it was the root of all evil; the government helped to carry on this belief with outlandish propaganda. The main method of steering Americans away from Communism was to show them the horrors of Communism and what it would do to their beautiful, peaceful country.
Works Cited Information: 0spol.html htm s-60s-golden-age-for-newspapers ml
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