Basic 3D Geometry: Creating Primitives James Martin High School Animation Instructor: G. Patton From: CHAPTER 2 – 3DS MAX AND ITS APPLICATIONS
1. What is parametric modeling? Parametric modeling is a form of modeling in which the parameters, or dimensions, of an object can be changed after the object is created.
2. What is a standard primitive? A standard primitive is a basic geometric object, such as a box or sphere, that can be used as a building block when creating a model.
3. What is the purpose of the Generate Mapping Coordinates check box? It is a setting used to automatically calculate mapping for the object being created.
4. How is a hemisphere created? A hemisphere can be created from a sphere or geosphere. The size of the overall portion is specified in the Command Panel in the Hemisphere: spinner under the Parameters rollout.
5. What is the effect on the object when the Smooth check box is checked? The object has a smooth appearance and gradual transitions between faces. In other words, smoothing groups are applied to the faces of the object.
6. Which rollout is used to name an object? Name and Color
7. How is the display color of an object changed? The display color of an object can be changed by picking the color swatch in the Name and Color rollout, and then selecting a different color in the Object Color dialog box.
8. What are the names of the three radio buttons that let you set the type of polygons used for a geosphere? Tetra, Octa, Icosa
9. What is the purpose of the Height Segments: spinner used when creating a cylinder? It allows you to specify the number of divisions on the height of the cylinder.
10. How is a tube different from a cylinder? A tube has two radius parameters, while a cylinder has one. This causes the tube to appear hollow in the center.
11. How do you create a pointed cone? A pointed cone can be created by specifying a value of zero for the diameter of one of the end faces.
12. What are the Slice From: and Slice To: spinners used for? The Slice From: and Slice To: spinners are used to create a portion of an object by specifying where the object “starts” and “stops” around its Z axis.
13. How many sides does a pyramid have on its bottom face? 4
14. What are the two parameters required to draw a torus? major radius, minor radius
15. What is the function of a plane object? A plane is particularly useful for creating ground or terrain. A plane can be drawn as a small object and then automatically scaled to a larger size when rendered. This saves regeneration time and reduces the clutter of drawing objects in the model.
16. What is the default thickness of a plane? A plane has no thickness by default.
17. What effect does the value in the Scale: spinner have on the plane when drawing it? The value specifies the factor by which the plane is scaled at rendering time.
18. What parameter is required to draw a teapot? The radius of the body.
19. What are the parts of a teapot? body, lid, handle, spout
20. How can a coffee mug be quickly drawn using only one object? A coffee mug can be created by drawing a teapot, but specifying that only the body and handle be created.