1 Sharing Advisory Board Report from the MSIS Sharing Advisory Board (agenda item 3.4) www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/msis Steven Vale Marton Vucsan.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Advisory Board Report from the MSIS Sharing Advisory Board (agenda item 3.4) www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/msis Steven Vale Marton Vucsan ITDG Oct. 2010

2 Contents   Governance   Terms Of Reference of the SAB   Results from last year   Program of Work 10/11

3 Governance of the SAB  Important development: The High Level Group on Business Architecture is installed. This (influential) group will help to achieve the convergence we are seeking. The High Level Group on Business Architecture is installed. This (influential) group will help to achieve the convergence we are seeking.

4 Governance of the SAB Conference European Statisticians MSIS Sharing Advisory BoardMSIS steering group HLG-BAS

5 Sharing Advisory Board Membership Canada (Karen Doherty), Italy (Carlo Vaccari), Netherlands (Marton Vucsan) (chair), Norway (Rune Gl ø ersen), Australia (Brian Studman) Eurostat (Antonio Consoli / Georges Pongas), OECD (Trevor Fletcher), UNECE (Steven Vale), UNIDO (Valentin Todorov).

6 Sharing Advisory Board TOR approved by CES bureau Some subtle changes in mission and status  resorts now under HLG-BAS group  Softer mission statement (we can however still be as ambitious as we want)  We will still be closely linked to MSIS and METIS (MSIS is the main inspiration and discussion platform)

7 SAB objectives  To formulate proposals with the goal of promoting harmonization of information systems architectures and to enhance the interoperability and the potential to share components within those architectures;  To provide governance models for the development and enhancement of statistical software in an environment of collaboration between statistical organisations;  To assist in the improvement of the statistical infrastructure of countries both within and outside the UNECE region as required.

8 SAB objectives  To provide guidelines and tools to assess new statistical software tools and components, and report to MSIS Work Sessions on the availability of these tools and components for sharing, as well as suitable governance mechanisms for ensuring the future development of recommended tools and components;  To ensure that tools and components recommended for sharing are made available to all statistical organisations via a suitable portal, and with sufficient documentation and support mechanisms;

9 Operating procedures  Membership and Officers  7 members appointed by CES Bureau.  Balanced specialisms and geographics  Governed by HLG-BAS group of the CES Bureau.

10 Operating procedures  Methods of work  Bureau of CES will govern through HLG-BAS.  Proposals to be reviewed by MSIS  Annual report of work done to MSIS  Annual updated Program of Work  Annual report to CES Bureau and request for mandate

11 Program of Work (introduction)  The period covered is the interval between the joint UNECE / Eurostat and OECD Meetings on the Management of Statistical Information Systems (MSIS),  Items are prioritized using the MoSCoW prioritisation technique (Must, Should, Could, Wont) to make sure that even if completing the whole programme might not be feasible, the most important work gets done. The MSIS meeting is invited to actively give input regarding this program.

12 2. Report on

13 A.RECURRING TASKS (1)  A1. Maintenance of the SAB wiki and website –Public pages on MSIS wiki  A2. Production and distribution of the newsletter –Two every year (ITDG and MSIS)  A3. Software inventory –Initial survey done, in progress

14 A. RECURRING TASKS (2)  A4. Coordination –ESSnet CORA meetings in Luxemburg and Rome –UNECE / Eurostat / OECD Work Session on Statistical Metadata (METIS) in Geneva –OECD / UNECE Expert Group Meeting on SDMX in Geneva –UNECE Work Session on Statistical Data Editing in Neuchâtel  A5. Reporting –Annual report produced

15 B. SPECIFIC TASKS  B1. Project brokerage (Must) –Pilot implementation on MSIS wiki.  B2. Set rules for resourcing projects (Should) –postponed  B3. Collaboration (Must) –B3(i ) Cooperation in ESSnet -in progress- –B3(ii) Research possible cooperation models for software development, -in progress- –B3(iii) Research possible governance and management (Should) -postponed-

16 C. ACTIVITIES CONTINUED FROM 2008/9  C1. Set up administration of SAB –C1(i ) Define subjects the SAB will be the responsible administrative body for. -in progress- –C1(ii) Define a workflow for decision making; (Should) –postponed-  C2. Collaboration –Collaboration with the ESSnet for licencing and judicial issues. (Must) – awaiting CORA-  C3. Outreach (Must) –Initial inventory of existing initiatives (Must) – Version 1 ready-

17 2. Program of work for

18 A. RECURRING TASKS  A1. Maintenance of SAB wiki and website  A2. Production and distribution of the newsletter  A3. Software inventory –now ready for regular maintenance  A4. Coordination –Participate in projects –Attend meetings  A5. Reporting –Annual report to CES(HLG-BAS) and MSIS

19 B. SPECIFIC TASKS FOR 2010/11  New activities  Activities that were proposed in earlier years but were not carried out, but are important enough to get a second chance of being done.

20 B1. Set rules for collaboration projects  B1(i ) Create a proposal for SAB resourcing or funding (Should)  B1(ii) Consider a default proposal for funding (small) collaboration projects to be agreed on by all statistical organizations taking part in MSIS. (Should)  B1(iii) Enhance the possible forms of collaboration with templates and prefab agreements etc. and have them ratified by the MSIS countries. In this way creating an international collaboration will be easy to give form and easy to be approved in different countries if the "mother form" of the agreement has been approved already (should)

21 B2. Collaboration  B2(i) Keep track of how successful the inventory of existing initiatives and collaborations is and upgrade the guidelines for collaboration models looking at those models that appear to be more successful from the inventory. (Must) –underway-  B2(ii) Seek input from MSIS 2010 meeting about possible follow up on the current ESSnet CORA which is producing a first start for a common reference architecture linked to the GSBPM. (must) –done, CORE recommendation-

22 B2. Collaboration (2)  B2 (iii) Create a mapping of existing initiatives and existing solutions and concepts to a single overarching architectural framework (Must) –underway-  B2 (iv) Contact ESSnet on SDMX about possible collaborations (Must)

23 C. ONGOING ACTIVITIES FROM 2009/10  These are activities started in 2009/10, which will require further work in 2010/11.

24 C1. Set up administration of the SAB  C1(i ) Define the subjects that the SAB will be the responsible administrative body for, in line with the Terms of Reference. (Must)  C1(ii) Define a workflow for decision making; how are proposals made by the SAB to be executed. This is closely related to the mandate. (Should)

25 C2. Collaboration (1)  C2(i)Work in collaboration with the ESSnet to develop information on licencing and judicial issues related to sharing of software in and outside EU. (Must) –ongoing-  C2(ii) Work in collaboration with the European Union funded "ESSnet" project on a common reference architecture to produce documentation about prerequisites for sharing of software on a technical level. (Must) -ongoing-

26 C2. Collaboration(2)  C2(iii) Research possible cooperation models for software development, identify those that are successful, and develop guidelines for this type of collaboration. (Must)  C2(iv) Research possible governance and management models for the outputs from collaborative development projects, identify those that are successful, and develop guidelines for future projects. (Should)

27 C3. Outreach  C3 (i) Expand the inventory of existing initiatives and collaborations (including persons to contact) and open this for maintenance and inputs from national and international statistical organizations. (Must) –underway-

28 DEMO  MSIS wiki with: –Project brokerage –Software inventory

29 Questions