Worker Right to Know Program Also Known as the Chemical Hazard Communication Rule OSHA/DOSH Mandate Enacted in 1984 WAC Requires employers to inform and train employees about the hazard of chemicals they may be exposed to during normal working conditions, or foreseeable emergencies Five Major Categories Hazard Determination Safety Data Sheets Labels and Other Warnings Employee Information and Training Written Hazard Communication Program
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Hazard Determination Employers must identify and evaluate all chemicals used in the workplace. There are two hazard categories: Listed (by the manufacturer as hazardous)and Defined (hazardous by the nature of the material (explosive, corrosive, toxic) Safety Data Sheets Required documentation of the hazardous characteristics of any chemicals identified as being ‘hazardous’ Labels and Warnings All chemicals identified as hazardous must be properly labeled
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Employee Information and Training Employers are required to provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area. Employees must know: 1. Where the hazardous chemical are located in their work area 2. How to properly handle hazardous chemicals in their work area 3. How to respond to a hazardous chemical spill in their work area Written Hazardous Communication Program A written program must be in place which outlines how the employer is meeting all requirements of the Worker Right to Know rule
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Focus on Employee Training and Response Generic (Facility wide) ANNUAL training: (Must be Documented) 1. Worker Right to Know Rules, 2. Use of SDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), 3. Emergency Responses to Chemical Spills (Location and Use of Hazardous Chemical Spill Kits, What to do if the spill is too large to clean by yourself) 4. Who to call in the event of a large chemical spill
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Focus on Employee Training and Response Department Specific ANNUAL training: (must be Documented) 1. Location of Hazardous Chemicals in the Work Area 2. Location and use of SDS forms specific to the work area 3. Proper and Safe Handling of Hazardous Chemicals in the Work Area 4. Location and Use of Spill Kits in the Work Area 5. Emergency Contact Information for Reporting and Responding to Large Chemical Spills
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Worker Right To Know Mandate For All Work Areas Everyone must recognize that there are hazardous chemicals in their work area (e.g. copier toner, glass or countertop cleaner, WD-40, blood and body fluids [by definition]) Everyone has to know how to properly store and handle work area specific hazardous chemicals Everyone has to know where to find the work area specific SDS forms or be able to pull them up online
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND What To Do When It All Goes Wrong: A Scenario: Vegetable Soap in the Kitchen Lessons Learned: 1. Spills Often Occur in the Least Likely Places 2. There Is Seldom Enough Training For In-House Staff 3. Immediate Response Is Crucial To a Successful Chemical Spill Cleanup 4. Coordination and Consultation With Local Authorities (Fire and Police/Sherriff) Is Essential 5. Be Prepared to Evacuate the Facility
WHEN CHEMICAL SPILLS GET OUT OF HAND Emergency Response to Chemical Spills Outside the Facility Scenario: Orchard Workers Sprayed by a Crop Duster Lessons Learned: 1. Local Businesses and Industries Are Required To Provide the Facility With a List of Their Hazardous Chemicals (and Pertinent SDS forms) 2. Proper Decontamination is a Major Hurdle 3. Facility May have to Go Into Disaster Mode 4. Coordination and Consultation With Local Authorities (Fire and Police/Sherriff) Is Essential