Update to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Shelley Lauten President, myregion.org June 30, 2009
myregion.org Issues to Address: Regional Progress Report Organization & Structure Regional Water Strategy
Goal: To Create a Regional Water Strategy Goal: No Public $$$ should be used to litigate over water!
Regional Water Strategy Three Component Parts: -Water Supply -Governance -Water Conservation
Regional Water Strategy Partner Organizations: -Congress of Regional Leaders -St. Johns River Water Management District -South Florida Water Management District -Southwest Florida Water Management District -Florida Department of Environmental Protection -myregion.org -ULI-Central Florida -University of Central Florida
Regional Water Strategy Recommended Timeline: July-December, 2009 – Focus on Water Supply January-April, 2010 – Focus on Governance May-September, 2010 – Focus on Water Conservation November 2010 – Regional Leadership Academy
Regional Water Strategy Process: Identify a Regional Project Steering Committee Convene county stakeholder meetings to develop list of issues Development of “Best Practice” recommendations by the ULI-Central Florida “Technical Advisory Panel” Recommendations reviewed and agreed upon by all stakeholders myregion.org convenes Regional Leadership Academy
2009 Progress Report for the Central Florida Region
How Do We Compare? Seven Metropolitan Areas
How Do We Compare? World Position Comparing Central Florida With: United States Japan European Union Brazil India China
How Do We Compare? Economic Leadership Education Environment Quality of Life Smart, Quality Growth Fragmentation/Collaboration Six Regional Priorities
How We Compare - Economically World Position For complete data information go to
How We Compare - Economically National Position For complete data information go to
Change in Personal Per Capita Income – Brevard Lake Orange Polk Osceola Seminole Volusia Florida U.S. 10 5
How We Compare - Education World Position For complete data information go to
How We Compare - Education National Position For complete data information go to
Percentage of Population with College Degree Brevard Lake Orange Polk Osceola Seminole Volusia Florida U.S
How We Compare – Smart, Quality Growth World Position For complete data information go to
How We Compare – Smart, Quality Growth National Position For complete data information go to
Transit Use +112% 2000 total transit trips2007 total transit trips +31% 2000 data for Votran is unavailable Transit use across state of Florida is up 196% since 2000 Transit use across U.S. is up 7% since 2000 Space Coast TransitVoTranLYNXWHATLAMTD BrevardVolusiaOra./Osc./Sem.Winter HavenLakeland +412% +11%
Holding Steady Gaining Ground Holding Steady Gaining Ground Leading the Way Is Central Florida Becoming a World Class Region?
myregion.org Regional Leadership Forum
Update to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Shelley Lauten President, myregion.org June 30, 2009