BE-TL1-001-DRAFT-5S 5S Business Excellence DRAFT October 5, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

BE-TL1-001-DRAFT-5S 5S Business Excellence DRAFT October 5, 2007

Table of Contents Overview & Scope 3 Objective 4 Introduction to 5S 5 Contents Slide(s) Overview & Scope 3 Objective 4 Introduction to 5S 5 5S : Steps 1 6-7 5S : Steps 2 8-9 5S : Steps 3 10-11 5S : Steps 4 12-13 5S : Steps 5 14-16 Keys to 5S Success 17 5S is a foundation of FLE 18 Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities 19-24 Leadership Responsibility 25 Exercise 26 Gemba walk 27

Overview & Scope Overview Scope This system is called "5S" because it involves a Five Step process. Each step in the process is named using a word that starts with the letter "S". The five steps are: Sort Set In Order Shine Standardize Sustain. 5S advocates believe that the benefits of this methodology come from deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be stored Scope 5S is a lean manufacturing technique that uses effective workplace organization and standardized procedures to improve profits, safety, quality, productivity, customer satisfaction and employee retention.

Objective Establish standards to detect an abnormality Create and maintain an organized, clean and safe work area Conditioning discipline for Action Workout Increase productivity Increase employee satisfaction Save money and cut costs

Introduction to 5S First S: Sort (Seri) Distinguish between what is needed and not needed. Second S: Set In Order (Seiton) A place for everything and everything in its place. Third S: Shine (Seiso) Cleaning and Inspecting the workplace. Fourth S: Standardize (Seiketsu) Share established standards and make standards obvious. Fifth S: Sustain (Shitsuke) Practicing and repeating this discipline until it becomes a way of life.

When In Doubt . . . Throw It Out Step 1 : Sort (Seri) Eliminate all unnecessary items … Items not needed now for production PURPOSE ASK YOURSELF What do we need ? What can we remove ? When In Doubt . . . Throw It Out

When in doubt……… Move it out! Sort (Seri) Tips For Sorting Start in a small area and expand area by area Include all the affected people when sorting Include outside observers Use Red Tag system When in doubt……… Move it out!

Everything you REALLY Need at your Fingertips Step 2 : Set in Order (Seiton) PURPOSE Organize and arrange what you need What do we need to use 1st, 2nd Where should it be? ASK YOURSELF Everything you REALLY Need at your Fingertips

Set In Order (Seiton) A place for everything and everything in its place. Assign permanent place for all needed items Choose proper storage methods Visually indicate locations Missing items easily noticed Utilize sign boards

Be able to quickly detect an abnormality Step 3 : Shine (Seiso) PURPOSE Identify abnormalities by visually sweeping the area Does this belong here? Is it needed right now? ASK YOURSELF Be able to quickly detect an abnormality

Cleaning and looking for ways to keep it clean. Shine (Seiso) Cleaning and looking for ways to keep it clean. Eliminate dirt, dust, oil, scrap, etc. Allows inspection and early detection of problems. Keep workplace swept & wiped down Clean in, under, and around equipment and furniture. Integrate cleaning into everyday tasks 2006

Step 4 : Standardize (Seiketsu) PURPOSE Arrange items so that they can be found quickly by anybody Does everything has a place? Is everything in its place? ASK YOURSELF Anyone should be able to easily understand proper arrangement and abnormalities

Standardize (Seiketsu) Process for Maintaining the first 3 S’s Define procedures and activities to ensure that Sort, Set in Order and Shine practices are maintained and executed consistently.

Steps of Implementation Easy To Measure … Stay Focused Step 5: Sustain (Shitsuke) PURPOSE Leadership responsibility to sustain the first 4S’s Are the actions clearly defined? Clear ownership ? ASK YOURSELF Area team leaders identified and responsibilities documented. Level Anything not required for immediate production is removed from the line. Immediate actions taken against abnormalities; Shop kept orderly on a continuous basis. Non-utilized cabinets, benches, tables, etc. removed from area. Unneeded materials removed from plant; not stored away. Needed and unneeded materials have been separated. Needed and unneeded materials are mixed throughout the work area. Daily cleanliness inspection of equipment, tools and supplies. Visual controls established and well marked for work area. Work areas unkept; No visual controls in place. Information is “hidden” in the computer system. 4 3 2 1 Immediate actions taken against assembly abnormalities. Area’s individuals take ownership; standards are followed. Daily checks performed by area leaders; standards are regularly reviewed and updated. Periodic checks are performed by area leaders. No area checks are performed; standards are not established. Self Discipline Sort Sweep 5S’s Establish & follow standard procedures.They are clear, up-to-date, and displayed in work areas. Material layout, assembly, & communications are documented, standardized & followed rigorously. Labeling of items with required quantities are standardized. Procedures are documented, but not consistently followed. No procedures in place. Standardize All items can be easily retrieved by anyone; they are clearly marked. Standardized item quantities are established; Shadow boards are utilized. Needed items have dedicated locations which are clearly labeled. Needed items have been safely stored and organized. Items are placed randomly throughout the work place. Simplify 5 Level Of Improvement Steps of Implementation Easy To Measure … Stay Focused

Sustain (Shitsuke) Practicing and repeating this discipline until it becomes a way of life Make 5S a habit. 5S should be a personal goal. Set a good example! Should be voluntarily observed Maintain a favorable 5S atmosphere Both management and operations have the responsibility for sustaining 5S.

Sustain (Shitsuke) Tips for Sustaining Develop a commitment to housekeeping Institute 5S Audits Have different areas “inspect” each other. Management must lead by example 5S is not just for the shop floor

Keys To 5S Success Get everyone involved. Integrate 5S Principles into daily work requirements. Communicate need for 5S, roles of all participants, how it is implemented. Be consistent in following 5S Principles in all areas Business Team Leader involvement is a must ! Follow through -finish what is started - 5S takes effort and persistence. Link 5S activity with all other Action Workout initiatives.

In order to visually detect any abnormal condition, The 5S is a foundation for FLE In order to visually detect any abnormal condition, we need to establish Visual Management & Standards.

Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities Look Here … 5 cowboys to drive 1000 cattle Should take one look and understand the situation Clearly differentiate between what is “Normal” and “Abnormal” Detect what is “Abnormal” Not Here … Don’t “Manage” a Standard … Detect the Abnormality

Very Easy to Detect Abnormalities ! Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities Very Easy to Detect Abnormalities !

Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities

Which Situation is Easier to Manage ? Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities Which Situation is Easier to Manage ?

Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities

Create Standards … Detect Abnormalities All small Parts have defined place Horizontal Limit

Leadership Responsibility Management at all levels must be committed to establishing and maintaining the 5S process. Before people leave work for the day, everyone must ensure that the cell meets 5S principles. The use of checklist for monitoring adherence, quantifying results of cell inspections and prominent display of each area’s results are tools which management can use to help sustain the process. Management must lead by example Walk the Talk !

5S - Exercise To illustrate the impact that 5S can have on productivity and quality, we will use the following numbers exercise. (Instructors: use 5S_Game.ppt file and handouts.)

Gemba Walk Let’s Go to Gemba ; Practice Genchi Gembutsu (Go & See); Write down your observations! Sort Set in Order Shine Standardization Sustain