Portable football stands! This is our PowerPoint Hope you enjoy it
survey We asked children at playtime the following questions Would you rather have a portable stand or a permanent stand and 6 people said yes and 1 person said a permanent one. Would you pay £1, £2, £3 and 0 people said £1 and 3 people said £2 and 2 people said £3. Would we just use it for lots of sports or 1 sport and 4 people said lots of sports and 1 person said 1 sport
What it will look like This is how it might look after it is built.
Some reasons for wanting it. Our leaflet explains our reasons for wanting it!
A football match on the school pitch. This is a drawing of how it might look.
A plan of the school grounds. This is how the stand can go in the grounds.
How much it will cost *For one stand which is five rows high it will cost £1760 *For two stands it will cost £3520 *We got the cost from epicsports.com which is a American company *It will cost £2 to get in to watch
Thank you for listening to our presentation Football Stand Group Class DC