The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Tool Kit Project Prepared by: James C. Schmutz, Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor And Bill Levis The Urban Institute Contact: Bill Levis or James Schmutz Phone:
Brief review of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative presentation from November Reserves Ratio It Depends! NGP sponsorship of the nonprofit operating reserve policy tool kit project Highlight key points in letter Agenda 2
3 Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative
4 There are a range of stakeholders that can influence establishing and maintaining adequate Operating Reserves for financial stability: CEOs, CFOs and boards of nonprofit organizations Grant making community such as: program officers of foundations regional associations of grant makers GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Associations of nonprofits and umbrella groups – geographic and subsector. Accountants such as individual CFOs and CPAs, CFO groups and CPA societies Financial institutions serving the nonprofit sector Financial Stability – How is it relevant to the National Grants Partnership?
5 Request for NGP Sponsorship of Nonprofit Operating Reserves Toolkit
Tool Kit Sponsorship 6 Lead Sponsors of the Reserve Policy Tool Kit: NCCS, a program of the Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy at The Urban Institute Membership & Financial Accountability Department at the United Way of America Supporting Sponsors of the Reserve Policy Tool Kit: BoardSource Greater Washington Society of CPAs National Council of Nonprofits National Human Services Assembly National Grants Partnership
Supporting Sponsor Role 7 Formally Endorse the initiative and mission Agree to be listed as a supporting sponsor Recruit a representative to serve as part of the Reserve Policy Technical Group Refer members, affiliates and constituents to the tool kit Be an information resource by keeping constituents informed of the initiative
The National Grants Partnership Webcast & Teleconference Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative Toolkit Supporting Sponsor Request Thank You Comments, suggestions and questions are welcome: Jim Schmutz, Merrill Lynch, Bill Levis, The Urban Institute, See Supporting Sponsor Invitation letter at NGP Blog: See November Presentation at NGP website: See also Nonprofit Operating Reserves Initiative White Paper at: