HR User Group 9 th May 2007 Redundancy arrangements Change to WorkLife Balance Policy Change to Recruitment & Selection Policy Planning to change research titles Management Competencies Communication
Redundancy Arrangements Reminder - arrangements are not contractual - are not published and are not on web Reviewed again since last update in December 2006 Additional payment for those with over 10 years service Queries regarding redundancy pay details must be referred to HR
Changes to WorkLife Balance Work & Families Act 2006 Right to request to work flexibly for all staff with 6 months service Previously open only to those who had completed probation Amended policy also incorporates requests to work flexibly to care for children
Change to Recruitment and Selection Minor revision to bring it in line with Retirement Policy UCL will not normally employ someone within 6 months of age 65 (or older) Where a candidate approaching 65 (or older than 65) is the best candidate, a decision to appoint would be made using the criteria for considering a request to work beyond planned retirement date Talking about the Retirement Policy….
Research Titles Forthcoming changes to implement an Academic Committee decision - more details to follow. AC considered the issue of those on Fellowships who are promised a proleptic academic appointment at end of a Fellowship as a condition of the Fellowship. In these cases probation will be 3 years including completion of Module 1 of CLTHE
Research titles - continued Distinguishing those holding Fellowships from those with the title ‘Research Fellow’ Issue about current use of the term Fellow To avoid confusion, once we have different probation periods – the title ‘Research Fellow’ will be reserved for those holding externally funded Fellowships for new appointments from 1 st August 2007
The plan therefore is that with effect from 1st August 2007, contracts issued to research staff holding externally funded research fellowships will be as follows Grade 7Research Fellow Grade 8Senior Research Fellow Grade 9Principal Research Fellow Grade 10Professorial Research Fellow Likewise from 1st August 2007 all contracts issued to research staff not holding an externally funded research fellowship would be titled Grade 6 Research Assistant (no change) Grade 7 Research Associate Grade 8 Senior Research Associate Grade 9 Principal Research Associate Grade 10Professorial Research Associate
Other things Management Competencies – on the horizon Redeployment process – is being reviewed jointly with UCL’s three trade unions Communication – issues and solutions