© 2012 Prentice Hall Inc.1 PowerPoint presentation to accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e Global Edition 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson.


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PowerPoint presentation to accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e Global Edition 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 1-1 Copyright.

Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
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1 © 2011 台灣培生教育出版 (Pearson Education Taiwan). 2 學習目標 1. 當面對可預測的變異性時,同步管理並改善供應鏈 中的供給。 2. 當面對可預測的變異性時,同步管理並改善供應鏈 中的需求。 3. 當面對可預測的變異性時,使用總體規劃將利潤最 大化。
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物流架構與定位 緒論 物流的涵義 物流的沿革 物流成本 物流系統的構建 現階段物流策略及其發展趨勢與瓶頸 結論.
1 © 2011 台灣培生教育出版 (Pearson Education Taiwan). 2 學習目標 1. 解釋達成策略適合性對一家公司整體成功的關鍵 性。 2. 描述一家公司如何在供應鏈策略和自身競爭策略 間達到策略適合性。 3. 討論經由擴張橫跨供應鏈之策略適合性範疇的重 要性。 4. 描述成功管理供應鏈所需克服的主要障礙。
第四章 資訊的價值 The Value Information
人力資源管理 報告者:萬通人力資源顧問股份有限公司 侯 佑 霖 日期: 96 年 11 月 22 日.
Flattening organizations Separating work from location Reorganizing work-flows Increasing flexibility Redefining organizational boundaries TOWARD THE DIGITAL.
第10章 供應鏈策略.
第6章第6章 海外直接投資. 6-2 本章重點  本章目的在說明海外直接投資 (foreign direct investment, FDI) 的經濟動機。  例如,為何某些公司寧願從事 FDI 而不 願出口或授權。 部分的回答,是否因為 控制的需要?
啤酒遊戲- 供應鍊模擬 Dr. CK Farn 2006 Spring. 中央大學。范錚強 2 模擬設定 過度簡化的供應鍊 銷售桶裝啤酒 角色 工廠(倉庫) 配銷商 大盤商 零售商.
Supply Chain Performance Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope Wike Agustin Prima Dania, STP, M.Eng.
行銷學原理‧曾光華、饒怡雲 著‧前程文化 出版
© 2012 Prentice Hall Inc.1 PowerPoint presentation to accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e Global Edition 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson.
2-1Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall. Course Code MGT 561 Supply Chain Management Book: Supply Chain Management Strategy,
Review of Week #3 ( Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 全球環境下的作業策略 Chapter 2 Review of Week #3 ( Chapter 2 復習 ) Operations Strategy in a Global.
2-1Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall. Course Code MGT 561 Supply Chain Management Book: Supply Chain Management Strategy,
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
Presentation transcript:

© 2012 Prentice Hall Inc.1 PowerPoint presentation to accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management, 5e Global Edition 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 1-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. 2-1 Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education. Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope 2

2-2 The Value Chain

2-3 價值鏈

2-4 Competitive and Supply Chain Strategies Competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs a firm seeks to satisfy through its products and services Product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new products that the company will try to develop Marketing and sales strategy specifies how the market will be segmented and product positioned, priced, and promoted Supply chain strategy determines the nature of material procurement, transportation of materials, manufacture of product or creation of service, distribution of product All functional strategies must support one another and the competitive strategy

2-5 競爭策略:定義透過產品和服務試圖滿足顧客需求 的彙總 產品發展策略:指一家公司欲開發新產品的組合 行銷與銷售策略:指市場如何區隔以及產品如何定 位、定價與促銷 供應鏈策略: 決定原物料採購、廠商間的物料運輸、產品的製造與 生產以提供服務、產品配送至顧客及後續服務 供應鏈策略、 競爭策略和其他功能性策略之間的協 調與支援很重要 競爭與供應鏈策略

2-6 How is Strategic Fit Achieved? 1.Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertainty 2.Understanding the supply chain capabilities 3.Achieving strategic fit

2-7 如何達成策略契合度? 步驟一:瞭解顧客與供應鏈的不確定 步驟二:瞭解供應鏈的能力 步驟三:達成策略契合度

2-8 Step 1: Understanding the Customer and Supply Chain Uncertainty Quantity of product needed in each lot Response time customers are willing to tolerate Variety of products needed Service level required Price of the product Desired rate of innovation in the product

2-9 每批產品需求數量 顧客願意忍受的回應時間 產品多樣化的需求 服務水準要求 產品價格 產品創新的要求 步驟一:瞭解顧客與供應鏈 的不確定

2-10 Customer Needs and Implied Demand Uncertainty Customer NeedCauses Implied Demand Uncertainty to … Range of quantity required increases Increase because a wider range of the quantity required implies greater variance in demand Lead time decreasesIncrease because there is less time in which to react to orders Variety of products required increases Increase because demand per product becomes more disaggregate Number of channels through which product may be acquired increases Increase because the total customer demand is now disaggregated over more channels Rate of innovation increasesIncrease because new products tend to have more uncertain demand Required service level increasesIncrease because the firm now has to handle unusual surges in demand

2-11 顧客需求與隱含需求不確定

2-12 Levels of Implied Demand Uncertainty

2-13 隱含不確定的程度

2-14 Step 2: Understanding Supply Chain Capabilities How does the firm best meet demand? Supply chain responsiveness is the ability to Respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded Meet short lead times Handle a large variety of products Build highly innovative products Meet a very high service level Handle supply uncertainty

2-15 廠商如何完全滿足需求? 瞭解本身供應鏈回應性能力,包括: 回應需求數量的廣大範圍 符合短前置時間 處理產品的多樣化 建立高度創新性產品 符合高度服務水準 處理供應的不確定性 步驟二:瞭解供應鏈

2-16 Cost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier

2-17 成本反應效率曲線

2-18 Responsiveness Spectrum

2-19 回應性的尺度表

2-20 Step 3: Achieving Strategic Fit Ensure that the degree of supply chain responsiveness is consistent with the implied uncertainty Assign roles to different stages of the supply chain that ensure the appropriate level of responsiveness Ensure that all functions maintain consistent strategies that support the competitive strategy

2-21 Zone of Strategic Fit

2-22 策略契合度區域

2-23 Roles and Allocations

2-24 Efficient and Responsive Supply Chains Efficient Supply ChainsResponsive Supply Chains Primary goal Supply demand at the lowest cost Respond quickly to demand Product design strategy Maximize performance at a minimum product cost Create modularity to allow postponement of product differentiation Pricing strategy Lower margins because price is a prime customer driver Higher margins because price is not a prime customer driver Manufacturing strategy Lower costs through high utilization Maintain capacity flexibility to buffer against demand/supply uncertainty Inventory strategy Minimize inventory to lower cost Maintain buffer inventory to deal with demand/supply uncertainty Lead-time strategy Reduce, but not at the expense of costs Reduce aggressively, even if the costs are significant Supplier strategy Select based on cost and quality Select based on speed, flexibility, reliability, and quality

2-25 比較效率性和回應性供應鏈

2-26 Changes Over Product Life Cycle Beginning stages 1. Demand is very uncertain, and supply may be unpredictable 2. Margins are often high, and time is crucial to gaining sales 3. Product availability is crucial to capturing the market 4. Cost is often a secondary consideration

2-27 Changes Over Product Life Cycle Later stages 1. Demand has become more certain, and supply is predictable 2. Margins are lower as a result of an increase in competitive pressure 3. Price becomes a significant factor in customer choice

2-28 Different Scopes of Strategic Fit Across a Supply Chain

2-29 供應鏈中不同的策略契合度 範疇

2-30 Drivers of Supply Chain Performance 1. Facilities – The physical locations in the supply chain network where product is stored, assembled, or fabricated 2. Inventory – All raw materials, work in process, and finished goods within a supply chain 3. Transportation – Moving inventory from point to point in the supply chain

設施 供應網路的實體位址 作為存貨儲存、組裝和製造的場所 2. 存貨 供應鏈間所有原物料、在製品和完成品 3. 運輸 承擔供應鏈中各點間的存貨搬運 供應鏈績效的驅動因子

2-32 Drivers of Supply Chain Performance 4. Information – Data and analysis concerning facilities, inventory, transportation, costs, prices, and customers throughout the supply chain 5. Sourcing In-house or outsource, Supplier selection, Procurement 6. Pricing – How much a firm will charge for the goods and services that it makes available in the supply chain

資訊 供應鏈有關設施、存貨、運輸、成本、價格 和顧客等資料之分析 5. 採購 決定了公司內部執行或外包,選擇供應商與 採購 6. 定價 決定公司在供應鏈中流通的貨品和服務價格 供應鏈績效的驅動因子

2-34 A Framework for Structuring SCM Drivers

2-35 供應鏈決策架構

2-36 Challenges Increasing product variety and shrinking life cycles Globalization and increasing uncertainty Fragmentation of supply chain ownership Changing technology and business environment The environment and sustainability

2-37 產品多樣性的增加與產品生命週期縮短 全球化與不確定性的增加 供應鏈所有權的分裂 科技與商業環境的變化 環境與永續 挑戰