Juniors Semester 2/Unit 3 Assimilation & Cultural Identity
Bell Ringer 2/5/16 (Part 1) Before we begin our Bell ringer today please write this definition down in your notebook (we will use a separate piece of paper for the bell ringer, but you need to know what this is to respond to the bell ringer) Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group. Whether or not it is desirable for an immigrant group to assimilate is often disputed by both members of the group and those of the dominant society.
Bell Ringer 2/5/16 (Part 2) In a diverse American society how should people resolve the conflict between conserving a native cultural identity and assimilating into a unified cultural identity? In other words, should immigrants be expected to assimilate (become like the stereotypical American) or should they conserve their own native cultural identity (example: Bulgarian) while still being a part of America? Why? (Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl version of America) 75+ words
Important Reading Vocabulary Words Bias (verb)—cause to show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something Example: “readers said the paper was biased toward liberals” Bias (noun)—prejudice in favor or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered unfair Ethnicity--an ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like Example: The graph shows class enrollment by gender and ethnicity.
Important Vocabulary Words Culture--the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group Example: the youth culture; the French culture Diversity-- The condition of having or including people from different ethnicities and social backgrounds Example: There needs to be more diversity on campus.
Metaphor for America Gallery Walk: Metaphor for America Project is due today Please tape or tack up your posters on the walls around the room You will turn in the 200 word typed, double-spaced explanation of the meaning behind it, and why you think it symbolizes America after the gallery walk Handout-you will fill out this handout while we walk the room