©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 1 PHASE 1: PROJECT PLANNING What do we mean by project planning for developing strategic plan for learning and development? Why do we do it? Who should be involved? When is it necessary? How do we do it? PHASE 1: Project Planning
©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 2 PROJECT PLAN OVERVIEW Contents What It Contains Purpose and Rationale What this project is for Why you are doing it now Scope What parts of the business Target audience segments What areas of learning & development Time horizon Deliverables List of work products to be produced Approach Process map and timeline Project organization and staffing Roles and Responsibilities Executive Sponsor(s) Project Manager Working Team/Design Team Executive Review Team(s) Consultants Other part-time resources Tasks, Time Estimates, and Schedule Tasks per phase Time of each resource per task Detailed flow chart Overall time and expense budget PHASE 1: Project Planning
©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 3 PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND KICK-OFF Roles and responsibilities/resource estimating Interfaces checklist Project war room concept Working Team kick-off meeting agenda PHASE 1: Project Planning
©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 4 PROJECT PLANNING PITFALLS There can be a certain amount of resistance to the idea of spending resources on project “planning” instead of project “doing” The Training Director doesn’t always accept or understand the Executive Steering Team and/or Sponsors Many companies have several different and dispersed training organizations and it can be difficult to get them to work together on a unified approach It can be difficult to get commitment to go ahead with the project and spend the necessary resources Sometimes Working Teams can be slow to get things off the ground PHASE 1: Project Planning