CRCTCRCT English Language Arts Grammar and Mechanics Grade 2
1.Which sentence should end with a question mark? A.Crocodiles live in Australia B. Alligators live in North America C. Are alligators and crocodiles alike D. Alligators and crocodiles are reptiles
2. Which sentence is a question? A.The new school is close to your house B. Don, when can we see your new school C. Don has not asked us to go see his school D. We should ask him if we can see his new school
3. I am going ____ the store. Which word belongs in the blank? A.To B. Too C. two
4. The beach was covered with shells. What is the subject? A.Beach B. Covered C. shells
5. Which means MORE THAN ONE party? A. Partys B. Parteys C. parties
6. I see Ryan _______ on the playground. Which word belongs in the blank? A.Runing B. Runnin C. running
7. Which is the action part of the sentence below? Mark and Tom deliver newspapers on Saturday. A.Mark and Tom B. deliver newspapers C. on Saturday
8. My ________ is five. A.Sistir B. Sister C. sistor
9. Which word goes BEST in the sentence below? Dad and I went fishing. ________ got four big fish. A.We B. They C. Us
10. Which word needs a capital letter? The town parade will be may 6, A.Town B. May C. parade
11. Which word goes BEST in the sentence? Jaleel _______________ all of his homework. A.Did B. Done C. do
12. Which word best completes the sentence? Jeff has ___________ sisters. A.To B. Too C. two
13. Which sentence is written correctly? A.The dog is barking. B. The dogs is barking. C. The dog are barking.
14. Sometimes the words she is are shortened to make one word called a contraction. What is the correct way to shorten she is? A.shes‘ B. she's C. she'is
15. Which sentence ends with the correct punctuation mark? A.My house is on the corner? B. My house is on the corner. C. My house is on the corner,