Numbers 4 and 5 By Kelsey Murray, Gavin Rapp, Jim Conway, and Dave Larkin
Carbohydrate s LipidsProteinsNucleic Acids 1:2:11:2 C:H No reliable ratio
Always has N XX Usually no N XX Often has S X Rarely has S XXX CarbsLipidsProteins Nucleic Acids Always has P X Usually no P XXX
Carbohydrates grains Lipids fats Proteins Beans, Nuts and Red Meat Nucleic Acids DNA RNA
CarbohydratesIn Rings Contains only C, O, and H LipidsHave long chains ProteinsHave N and S Nucleic AcidsAlways have P DNA-double stranded, has ATCG RNA-Single Stranded; has AUCG