Data Image IDDateAreaDEM ESP_011562_ DEM_24102 ESP_025368_ DEM_24102 PSP_009505_ DEM_9505 ESP_023957_ DEM_9505 PSP_003453_ DEM_18854 ESP_018854_ DEM_18854 PSP_001488_ DEM_24234 ESP_024234_ DEM_24234 PSP_009861_ DEM_9505 ESP_024023_ DEM_9505 List of images that were identified as potential source for surface change detection and processed according to the workflow presented above. “Area” refers to the location illustrated in the next slide, and DEM refer to the DEM ID supplied by JPL
Area of interest as indicated by JPL 3.5km
Area 2 Images analyzed: PSP_009505_ ESP_023957_ years, 1 month 1 km
-2.3 m m 1.7 Sand ripples displacement map in the East/West direction (Eastward positive) Sand ripples displacement map in the North/South direction (Northward positive) All dunes in the area 2 footprint are subject to ripples migration. The direction of the ripple migration is mostly North/South, although strong uncorrected satellite jitter in the East/west direction prevent from measuring the eastward component of the ripples migration. On average ripples migration of meters in the 3 years, 1 month time frame is observed.
Area 3 Images analyzed: PSP_003453_ ESP_018854_ years, 3 months 1 km
-2.7 m m 1.0 Sand ripples displacement map in the East/West direction (Eastward positive) Sand ripples displacement map in the North/South direction (Northward positive) All dunes are subject to ripples migration; migration amplitude of more than 2 meters in the 3 years, 3 months time frame is observed on several dunes.
Orientation of the ripples migration over the 3 years, 3 months period Orientation is in accordance with dune shape and evolves from a South direction to a South-East direction the further we go south on the dune field