Photographic Narrative: Justice Photography Mrs. Estoch
Assignment Brainstorm about images and objects that stand for justice and injustice Sketch out ideas for three different works. Now delve deeper into each of the three ideas and come up with variations of each Make a list of items you need to complete this project (images, objects etc.) and arrange to bring them in.
Assignment Assignments need to be completed by the last week of November. You may work on your project outside of class as well. If your project is chosen for the exhibit, you will also learn how to set up a show, be featured on the VIP invite and be featured online as well as in the opening reception. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!!
Assignment Your work will also be shown at various shows and has the opportunity to be published. An artist statement must accompany your work. Please determine whether you would sell your piece and price. Photographs may be reproduced for sale.