Diversion, Planning and Local Assistance Division Historical Performance Automated Systems Measurement Accuracy The Future Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Statewide We Are Almost There Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Programs Implemented by Jurisdictions from 1990 to 2000 Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The Bottom Line: Yes We Are Making Progress Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Southern California Jurisdictions Biennial Review Compliance for 2000 Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Northern California Jurisdictions Biennial Review Compliance for 2000 Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Reporting Success by: State Agencies/Facilities Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Trend for Number of Planning Documents submitted in from of the Board. Planning Documents Reviewed by the Board from 1993 to 2002 Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Future Board Actions Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
In the Beginning There Was No Automation … Diversion rate calculations were done by hand, a painstaking process. There was no easy way for the public to view board data There was no model annual report. Report formats varied widely. Board staff spent enormous amounts of time reviewing and analyzing jurisdiction reports Jurisdictions spent a lot of time and money reporting to the CIWMB. Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Today: Automated Systems aid DPLA & Board Customers Computer-based tools help optimize staff and stakeholders’ time Save time on routine filings and data entry Cut costs for complying with mandates Analyze data, project trends and workloads Allow focus of resources on diversion program implementation Provide easy web based access to critical decision making data Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
What Automated Systems? Electronic Annual Report (EAR) and State Organization and Agency Recycling Database(SOARD) Electronic SB 1066 Diversion Program Updates (E- 1066) Databases: PARIS, DRS, Waste Characterization, Jurisdiction Goal Achievement and Progress System, Document Tracking, Geographical Information Systems Jurisdiction Waste Stream Profiles Countywide, Regionwide, Jurisdiction Progress Report Several other on-line web reports Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The On-line Diversion Rate Calculator Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
State Agency Annual Reports Fully Automated Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Jurisdiction Annual Reports Fully Automated Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Jurisdictions Embrace New Methods Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
State Agencies Embrace Electronic Filing Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Time to Complete Biennial Reviews Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
DPLA Customers Weigh In Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
DPLA Saving Customers’ Time Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
New Tools Help DPLA Analyze Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Outflows for 2000 Disposal Outflows for 2000 Geographical Information Systems Present
Inflows for 2000 Disposal Inflows for 2000 Geographical Information Systems Present (cont.)
Web Hits Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Improving Measurement Accuracy Biennial Reviews required many jurisdictions to do new base years 1997 Accuracy Working Group 1999 Statewide Characterization of Waste Disposed Biennial Reviews included many new base years and allowed time extensions 2001 SB 2202 required report to Legislature with recommendations to improve diversion rate measurement Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
BY Changed vs. Not Changed Jurisdictions that Changed vs. Did Not Change Base Years Since 1995 Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Cha rt sho ws J’s tha t hav e cha nge d thei r orig inal bas e yea r by yea r. Count of Jurisdictions that have Changed Their Original Base Year by Year Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
New Base Year Case Study: Diversion Breakdown for Jurisdiction Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
New Base Year Case Study: Impact of the Largest Businesses (333) Audited Relative to the Total Business Audits (approx. 7,600)
New Base Years: Maximizing Efficiency Analyzed 35 studies to assess impact of the top 10 businesses versus all audited businesses 33 out of 35 jurisdictions derived 50% or more of diversion from top 10 businesses 21 out of 35 jurisdictions derived 80 % or more of diversion from top 10 businesses 13 out of 35 jurisdictions derived over 90% of diversion from top 10 businesses Recommend jurisdictions audit their largest businesses first Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Observations of Current Base Year Efforts Quality of submitted studies appears to be improving Use of Certification Form has: Improved the quality of data by tying programs to diversion tonnages Provided jurisdictions with information on potential gaps in program efforts Served as a useful tool in program evaluation and planning Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Broad Themes in SB 2202 Report Recommendations Potential for error in all components of diversion rate measurement system Diversion rates are estimates/indicators Small jurisdictions more likely to have inaccurate diversion rate Need to focus on diversion program implementation Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Activities to Improve DRS Accuracy DRS regulation revisions Focused training for all participants DRS web-based training modules being developed Continue random facility visits Publish results of random visits in InfoCycling Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
What Guides Us? Implementing Statutes and Strategic Plan Saving our customers time and money Improving our information delivery system Enhancing our tools and accuracy Leveraging tools and technology to “create” staff time to assist an increased number of customers Focusing on types of materials still left in the waste stream Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Per Capita Disposal Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The Future More effective process, and enhanced tools and assistance Streamline future Board Biennial Review process for Improve and streamline the diversion program and new base year verification processes Automate new base year process (similar to EAR) Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The Future… Support local jurisdictions’ ability to reach and maintain California’s waste diversion mandates. Work with other State agencies to promote zero-waste strategies that would ultimately put State agencies in a position to lead by example. Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The Future… Encourage recycling activities and new technologies in all businesses and residences. Promote new or existing technologies and processes to address existing or emerging waste streams. Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
The Future… Improve the exchange of and access to information internally and externally. Through consistent and effective enforcement or other appropriate measures, ensure compliance with federal and State waste management laws and regulations. Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised
Questions? Board MeetingAgenda Item 27 May 13-14, 2003Presentation Revised