1 Service Initiatives 19 Mar 2004 Major Phil Hendrix HQ AFMC/PKV DSN: Air Force Materiel Command Developing, Fielding, and Sustaining America’s Aerospace Force I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e
2 Expanded Role Sampling of Current Training Initiatives A-76 MOASP HQ AFMC/PKV Services Contracting Division
3 BPA Guide Spend Plan FY 03/04 Commodity Councils In The Works
4 AFPEO/CM Post Award Oversight/MOASP A-76 R&D Training/Tools ASP, Source Selection, and Clearance Support SAF/AQC PBSA Training Services Tools (AF-wide) Quality Assurance Training Services Spend Analysis New Responsibilities: Extended Staff Expanded Role
5 Quality Assurance Community of Practice (QA CoP) Services Tool Conferences: –CE/PK Service Contracts SymposiumDec 03 –QAPC WorkshopMar 04 –A&AS SymposiumApr 04 Computer Based Training (CBT) PBSA Roadshow Current Initiatives
6 Provide forum for all AFMC QAPCs: –Share ideas –Resolve QAPC issues –Goal: Greatly improve communication and teamwork amongst AFMC QAPCs Capabilities: –Post files –Initiate/participate in on-line discussions –Network with counterparts QA Community of Practice
7 Why? Confusion over what is service –Establishing AFPEO/SV portfolio revealed DD350 inconsistencies –Discovered several areas where primary purpose was services, but coded supply Tool created to assist acquisition teams: –Centrally managed tool, specific to service kt’s –Aids requirements definition –Eliminates anxiety in acquiring services Services Definition Tool
8 Update as needed –Feedback from field –Statutory, regulatory, policy changes Points of Contact –Maj Phil Hendrix, PKV, DSN –Ms Polly McCall, PKV, DSN Questions? Services Definition Tool
9 If a service… How do I define my requirement: Is it a service or supply? What is the type of service and what rules and regulations must I be aware of? What should my services acquisition strategy be? How do I form a Services SOW? How do I order from the contract and measure performance? Provide interactive training: –Principles of PBSA –Policy and guidance Status: –Content under development Services CBT
10 Provide in-depth/hands-on training: –Performance based service acquisition principles –Statutes, regulations, and policies that shape how we contract for services Status: –Conceptual phase PBSA Road Show