ACT Explore and ACT Plan September 16-27, 2013 KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 1
Explore/Plan Without Labels Prepare answer document ACT Explore for student by bubbling in boxes A - E and G - H with student/school information. Prepare answer document ACT Plan for student by bubbling in boxes A - G with student/school information. Add student to the roster in SDRR. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 2
Educational Opportunity Services Plan only Students receive information from colleges and scholarship agencies that may be of interest to them. Fill in block C to indicate address will be added. Students mark YES in Box I, if interested. Enter a complete mailing address in blocks P through S and an address in block O (optional). KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 3
Test Form One form again this year ACT Explore will use form 05B ACT Plan will use form 32B KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 4
Reporting Accommodations Accommodation codes can be found in the Test and Room Supervisor manuals. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/ Special accommodations are at the discretion of school personnel for students with a current IEP or 504 Plan. Students with or without a label have to have the accommoda- tions section bubbled if used. ACT Plan ACT Explore
Explore/Plan Rosters Complete rosters in Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR). Reference materials for using SDRR can be accessed at the KDE Website. Roster window will be open KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/ Sept
Explore/Plan Rosters Check or complete in SDRR: Name Date of Birth Testing Location Exemptions Demographics will be pre-populated in SDRR. Changes to demographics must be made in IC. A nightly pull from IC will be done to update SDRR. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 7
Explore/Plan Rosters Accountability will be based on 100 instructional days from the prior school year. OAA will match students tested to prior school year data. DACs will have the opportunity to verify/change data in SDRR (tentatively in early 2014). KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 8
Nonparticipation Mark in SDRR. Nonparticipation could include reasons such as first year LEP, foreign exchange, medical exemption, and extraordinary circumstances exemption. Do not return answer sheets for students that are not participating. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/2013 9
Return Shipping Envelopes are provided for each school’s answer documents. Explore/Plan shipment must include School Header form, Testing Irregularity Reports (if any), Test Supervisor Comment forms (if any) and Class/Group Header (if any). See attached Return Schedule of time to bring materials back to Cindy. Do NOT seal envelopes, but have everything ready to go. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/
Things to Remember Anyone administering the test must have had Administration Code training and Inclusions of Special Populations training (if needed). A seating chart must be kept on file in the district. There are no special Explore/Plan forms. There will only be one form for all students, special or regular education. Used test booklets are to be returned to the student with his or her Student Report. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/
Explore/Plan Materials Reuse of materials is prohibited. Destroy any remaining materials. Test items should not be used or reproduced in any way to avoid violating copyright laws. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/
Explore/Plan Off-Grade Testing Explore and Plan can be given to students in grades other than grade 8 and 10. Orders should be placed directly with ACT (Cindy must submit the order). Off-grade administration cannot be done prior to the grades 8 and 10 state administration. Off-grade administration on the same day or after grades 8 and 10 state administration is acceptable. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/
Explore/Plan Future Testing ACT is discontinuing the Explore/Plan tests. After the 2013 administration, Kentucky will administer Explore/Plan once more in the fall of KDE will follow the procurement process to seek assessments to meet the legislative requirement. Stakeholders will be sought to assist with the selection process. KDE:OAA:DSR: 8/16/